Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 62


          when the Lord started to make me   two women made on my mind          be a man, and what it means to be
          understand where I got the narra-  for decades, to the point where    a woman, and how both redefini-
          tive of a white woman from. He     my choice of a wife was a white    tions will create the communities
          took my mind back to somewhere     woman. What if I was not helped    and societies that we hope to see
          in the 80s, when I was about five   by the Lord to see where my imag-  and live in. Why is that important?
          or six years’ old ,and I was stunned   ination came from? What if I had   We can only be on the outside or
          about how far back in our lives the   opportunities to travel to Europe   in the society what we are on the
          things that influence our present   or America while growing up, and   inside and in our homes.
          day choices and decisions can be.   then came in contact with white   Our lives, like my own story that I
          I could remember the age bracket   women? What would have become      shared, are set in daily events like
          I was then because of where we     of me, my destiny as a person,     layers upon layers. And it is very
          were living when the event hap-    from the perspective of me think-  difficult to know which day, month
          pened.                             ing that white women are just sex   and year a particular layer of our
                                             images and nothing more? Would     lives was created and hidden. It
          What happened was that, a friend   I, by now have had children that   is like a library of books with no
          of my mum’s came visiting and      are half Afrikan and half American   titles. How do you know the book,
          they got talking. She was telling my   or European and then told myself   the chapter, the page, the para-
          mum about how her husband left     I had achieved God’s purpose for   graph and the line where you saw a
          her for another woman. Her story   my life? Imagine such deception.   statement decades ago? It is almost
          was that, her husband went to      But what I want you to much more   impossible if you are not helped.
          Europe or America, I cannot recall   imagine is this: How many people   And that is why we must be careful
          exactly, and got himself sexually   in our world today are living their   of the layers of events we create
          entangled with all manner of white   current lives based on former lies   each day, which have the ability to
          women, and forgot about her. She   that they imagined in their minds,   define our lives.
          was very particular about the sexual   or things they were told by oth-
          side of things. I was in a corner   ers from the past that formed the   So, instead of just teaching and
          of the living room, so I could hear   bases of their judgments? From   showing our children things that
          what they were saying and that     the rate of the pseudo-lifestyles   make them men or women based
          story made a huge impression on    that we can see in our world right   on their biology, maybe we also
          my mind. I think because, as an    now, and the influence of these    need to begin to share with them
          introvert who loves to imagine and   social media influencers, you will   simple principles, rules and mind-
          create things in my mind, even as   agree with me that not many are   sets. Those that help them under-
          a child, I began to imagine why    living their own lives, but they   stand that when they go out there
          it was possible for the man to     are living the pictures they see in   into the world, it is not a fight
          leave his wife and go after a white   others. Now imagine what kind of   between who is male or female,
          woman just like that. In my young   world we will have in the next few   who is richer than the other, or
          mind, I reasoned that white women   decades, if we do not begin to cor-  even how to play the game to
          must be very good looking, sexy    rect things in our children that are   “win”, but how to be humans,
          and very romantic for such things   detrimental to their true growth.  and live like humans with selfless
          to happen. To make matters worse,                                     hearts, compassion, kindness, love,
          that was the era where Bollywood   And please do not get me wrong     inner beauty, which sees good and
          was making those their three hour   and think that I am against marry-  beauty in others and not sex toys
          long movies with lots of beautiful   ing from outside of Afrika. Not at   or human ATM machines. We must
          women singing, dancing and plenty   all.                              teach them to see DIVINITY in
          of romance. At that time, I had no                                    every HUMANITY they come in
          idea about the difference between a   What must we do?                contact with. We must let our boys
          white woman and an Indian wom-     It is definitely easier, and less cost-  know that the female is not a toy
          an, as long at they appeared in the   ly, to train, raise, and build respon-  for sexual gratification, but moth-
          movies they were the same to me.   sible children than it is to repair   ers and sister that must be honored
                                             broken men and women. And that     and respected as carriers of life. We
          Now, imagine the magnitude of      is where the challenge is. We must   must teach them to take responsi-
          impressions that that seeming-     begin by renewing our minds, and   bility and to do it with noble hearts.
          ly simple conversation between     begin to redefine what it means to

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