Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 63


                 Africans Reclaiming Africa

                                       Abel Merawi, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

                    frica is truly a great   greatness we once enjoyed.         phetic vision that can transport us
                    continent; it is a land                                     into a future of affluence.
                    inconceivably rich with   Before I rush into the central issue,
          Amaterial and human                let me contextualize the meanings I   Africa can return to its greatness;
          wealth. This is the land where the   wish to communicate in the word,   still be the land of humanity that
          paragons of spirituality once lived in   ‘reclaim’. The word basically means   it once was. We can still be great,
          abundance. These words must never   taking back something, and this   but only when we reclaim Africa.
          be confused with empty rhetoric, as   thing is our land with its resources,   Reclaiming the ‘spirit’ of Africa is
          they speak of a simple tangible fact.   our citizens, and basically our his-  the igniting force that creates the
          We Africans are not just the origin   tory and shared destiny as Africans.   strength for physically reclaiming
          of human beings, but also the origin   The other meaning of ‘reclaim’ has   Africa. The spirit and mental atti-
          of civilization. The elements that   to do with abandoning a wrong    tude Africans have towards them-
          made us pinnacles of civilization are   course of life so as to adopt a righ-  selves has truly been corrupting and
          still here in Africa, but we forgot our   teous path. Verily, this is the huge   self-loathing for too long. It is also
          greatness when we imported cheap   task ahead of us; we must cease    the cause for the reverence with
          foreign ideals. We have been the   trying to measure what is African   which we regard western life. To un-
          co-conspirators in the greatest trage-  using western standards, and seek   derstand the weight of such debili-
          dy that made Africa poor. The story   the virtuous path that is authen-  tating metal captivity, let us ponder
          and history of Africa continues to   tically African. To reclaim is also   how colonization of the majority
          be narrated by outsiders, while we   to transform the waste into value.   was possible by the minority, and let
          persist in echoing this imported nar-  Internal and external forces, which I   us examine the unique factor that
          rative that functions to shackle and   will address soon, have squandered   made the Holocaust and Apartheid
          oppress our minds. Thus, we must   the riches of Africa, and so we must   a reality.
          reclaim Africa by decolonizing our   rebuild our continent with a pro-  Sheer force may capture and enslave
          minds, before we can return to the

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