Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 65
see them using fancy English words hewn churches in Amhara, the In the spirit of reclaiming Africa, I
to cover their ignorance and win ar- pyramids in Egypt, the mosques in wish to end with a call for unity to
guments. All claim to be complying Timbuktu, and numerous majestic every African nation; an entreaty to
with the demands of globalization, evidences of civilization across stand in solidarity with my beloved
but in reality they are serving neoco- Africa. They have been effective in nation, Ethiopia. We, the people of
lonialism. Malcom added ‘X’ as his creating distractions to keep Afri- Ethiopia, are struggling to defend
last name to indicate the erased Afri- cans from the truth. They claim we our nation from internal and exter-
can identity. Melancholy and rage are the origin of human beings but nal forces of evil. As the land of the
would fall on our forefathers if they not of civilization. They claim it unconquered people, Ethiopia has
were to witness Africans prostitut- was Homo Erectus that left Africa, been a beacon of hope in Africans’
ing their identity for cheap Western which implies we were not Homo struggle for independence. Now,
consumerism. Sapiens, thinking humans. Howev- too Ethiopia strives to free Africa
er, a passing glance at our ancient from neocolonialism through the
All this is not spoken to tarnish civilizations, our Ubuntu philosophy, power of unity. Our democratic
the resilient struggle of authentic and our oral and written literature leader, PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed, is the
African artists, intellectuals, leaders, is enough to prove Africans are the voice of Ethiopians and Africans
media, and ordinary people who Homo Sapiens that carried world who strive to make Pan Africanism
take pride in leading an African civilization with them when they left a reality. Internally, we are faced
lifestyle. These impediments are Africa. with the former tyrants who served
highlighted to show what we are up Decolonizing the African mentali- the Western will in the past, and are
against. The unremitting effort of ty is the greatest task ahead of us. currently engaged in terrorizing and
individuals and organizations that Only after we reclaim our mindset ethnically dividing the nation. The
strive towards reclaiming Africa, will we be able to reclaim our land TPLF terrorists have joined forces
are struggling against a Western and utilize the economic promises with the OLF Shene terrorist group;
Hydra. In Greek mythology there of our natural and human resourc- they share a vision – they wish to
is a monster with nine heads by the es. This begins with the realization divide a unified nation and stain our
name Lernaean Hydra, which are that Africa is not a single nation, history of independence by serving
replaced by two new heads whenev- as Western media portray us to be. the ambition of our former coloniz-
er one head is slain. Fighting against Our continent is home to nations ers. Western nations endorse these
western mentality is a fight with within which reside diverse cultures. terrorists through their political
Hydra, because we rid of physi- Our diversity does not divide us; it institutions and their media. The US
cal colonization only to find that exemplifies the richness we need to spreads fear by warning its people to
the enemy has transformed itself reinvigorate Africa. Most impor- leave Ethiopia, and Western media
into an oppressive mentality. It has tantly, we are unified in the struggle report that the capital city is in cha-
reemerged in the name of globaliza- against our common enemies. For os. Well, I live in Addis Ababa, and
tion and financial institutions so as centuries, our continent has been our city is as peaceful as ever thanks
to make Africa succumb to West- the victim of systematic oppression, to the brave soldiers who sacrifice
erners. It reemerged in the name and no African nation can triumph their lives for freedom. Just as Em-
of education, news and entertain- without the rest. When attacked peror Menelik II and Empress Tay-
ment so as to capture the spirit of collectively, the only defense is unity. itu personally fought and defeated
Africans under the spell of western Pan Africanism must not continue Italians in the battle of Adwa, PM
ideology. Enough is said here and to be a pipedream of tomorrow; Dr. Abiy Ahmed has now joined the
in various times and places of the it must be a reality of today. Every battle to defend our nation.
catastrophes, let us now turn to the time visionary leaders like Thomas
great task of reclaiming Africa. Sankara reawaken Pan Africanism, The freedom of Ethiopia is an ex-
To reclaim Africa, we must reawak- Westerners unite to isolate the leader pression of the freedom of Africa.
en the African spirit that created and the nation. Shamefully, the rest
our ancient civilizations. Those of the Africans view such demise We need fellow Africans to stand
who wish to strip us of our great- from a distance. Our lack of fore- with us in solidarity. We must unite
ness may fabricate history, but thought continues to blind us from to reclaim Africa now – the time is
they cannot wish away the Axum seeing that the rebirth of Africa always today.
Obelisk in Tigray, King Fasiledes’ dies with the downfall of visionary
castle in Gondar, Lalibela’s Rock leaders.