Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 60


                                             for the world that they are step-  I guess we miss the point when
                                             ping into, which is loaded with all   we tell ourselves that men can
                                             manner of agendas steeped in evil.   take care of themselves, or that
                                             We shy away from making tough      men are leaders by design. But I
                                             decisions and choices, just so that   am still waiting to see a man who
                                             we do not have to take responsibil-  gave birth to themselves by them-
                                             ity for our children. We leave such   selves, to say the least. We motivate
                                             responsibilities in the hands of the   ourselves when we tell people that
                                             government, and then later expect   they are born leaders, because the
                                             to have responsible children in so-  sperm that produced them was the
                                             ciety. How can we raise responsible   one that won the race in the womb.
                                             children when we have not given    A beautiful anatomical analogy of
                                             them the chance to see us take     leadership, but whose intention
                                             responsibility ourselves? We need   was supposed to show us that
                                             to stop lying to ourselves.        leadership is not by chance, but by
                                                                                dedicated running towards perfec-
                                             So, from where I stand, concern-   tion through training and accurate
                                             ing life and living, I see that we   nurturing. For, if the environment
                                             have somehow created a situation   of the womb, where this analogy
                                             where we are busy training, raising   is taken from, is corrupt or sick,
                                             and preparing the girl child for life   the sperm will never become that
                                             in the new feminist world, life in   winner who becomes a human and
                                             the corporate world and even for   who becomes a leader. You get my
                                             marriage, which are good for what-  drift, right?
                                             ever they are good for, but we are
                                             forgetting that a trained and well   Sexualization of  the girl child
                                             raised girl child, living in a mar-  There have been cases where
          worse, Covid-19 did come to show   riage under the “headship” of an   teenage boys have been sent to
          us how much we have left the lives   untrained and un-raised boy child   prison or correctional facilities for
          and the well being of our children   will lead mostly to disaster. You do   having sex with young teenage girls
          in the hands of the government,    not need to look too far to under-  of same age. I am not talking of
          their lying medical agents, and the   stand what I am saying. The surge   rape cases, but mutually consentu-
          private companies who sell phar-   in the cases of domestic violence,   al sexual acts between two young
          maceutical drugs. You know what I   familicides, suicides, the numbers   people who are below eighteen
          mean, right?                       of separations and divorces that   years’ old. And the excuse is that,
                                             we are currently experiencing in   the law does not allow a girl of be-
          We allow the government and        our society, should be enough to   low eighteen years to have sex, and
          the fear of an unseen death from   show you that something is wrong   any man who does that to her has
          Covid-19, which is 99.9 percent    with the direction we are facing as   committed an offence. And this is
          survivable, to push us to vaccinate   a people.                       irrespective of whether it was the
          our children with experimental                                        girl child who actually initiated the
          vaccines whose long term side      In the government, we have the     sexual act. The young man just has
          effects we do not know, and which   ministry of women’s affairs, the   to be punished for the very act that
          we cannot reverse if it turns out   ministry that takes care of the   he had with a consenting female of
          that what we allowed them to take   affairs of children, lots of NGOs   his own age. And this is not some
          as vaccine was actually poison.    that cater for the needs of the    misguided talk. I have seen in some
          And by doing that, we missed       girl child, but what about the boy   recent videos online where young
          the chance of a life time to teach   child and what about the ministry   school girls below eighteen are the
          our children how not to respond    of men’s affairs? What about the   ones even promoting sexual acts
          to issues with fear, but rather by   organizations that are dedicat-  and tying to pull their male school
          meticulous analysis of events, and   ed to raising and nurturing true   mates into the act. In fact, there
          thus, informed responses. A most   leadership in the boy child? We do   are couple of videos shared online
          important virtue, which they need   not have much of such. But why?   where young school girls were

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