Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 66
Cover Story
The Nation of Comfort
Samuel Phillips
f you, one for the About Comfort
our year 2021, Comfort for me, is not some laying
esteemed we feature back or being in some form of
Ireader of this Gabon, the relaxed mode away from the strug-
magazine have been land of comfort. gles of life. Comfort really means
following our publication It is not surprising to being able to find inner peace even
for a while, or from inception, us that the word that was given in the midst of turmoil. To take it
you will notice that every time we about Gabon is also about hope and a bit further, as David the writer
write about any particular nation in comfort, even in the midst of severe of Psalm 23 put it, “thy rod and thy
Afrika, it is always from a positive storms facing the world and Afrika. staff they comfort me”. Referring to the
and hope-based attitude. And this is good Shepherd leading his sheep
not done to turn a blind eye to the Hope is a powerful thing, which into a space of comfort. But did you
issues going on in and with Afrika brings comfort and inner strength notice where comfort comes from?
and Afrikans, but to create a new needed to face whatever may come It comes from being able to use
narrative that can help shift and our way as individuals, and even as a God’s rod (correction) and His staff
also shape the mindset of Afrikans collective. Hope is found in the fact (instruction) to live in peace above
from that of victims of colonialism, that it is possible that a present sit- the issues of life.
the global systemic manipulation uation that had caused setbacks and
and puppet mindset of their local pains can actually be turned around Have you ever met someone with
Afrikan leaders, to a much more to produce that which is desirable, real inner peace? They seem to walk
responsive and creative mindset that and which creates comfort. This is on air, and they live their lives like
says we have all we need to both live the reality of Gabon, the land that there are no troubles anywhere. That
and thrive. brings hope and comfort. is what true comfort, which is found
in the correction and instruction of
In this 18th issue, which is the last
66 | we tell the true afrikan story