Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 72
trolling Afrika, is FOOLHARDY to pushing the LGBTQI agenda with the government). Or finding out
say the least. Accepting their version all strength and force, while unseat- that your young men and women
of reality, their version of educa- ing or browbeating those who are have no idea who they are and be-
tion, their version of society, their standing against it… you ought to lieve that ‘good life’ is the result of
version of morality, without running know that you have big problems on shortcuts and quick gains. Well, all
it through the appropriate filters has your hands. these ‘experts’ better keep in mind
cost Afrika more than we can ever Fathers are also running around that an explosion in society is well
imagine or understand. on social media doing the same, on its way. And no one will enjoy its
each group appears to be trying to outcomes.
Mothers are running around on so- out-profane the other. With the men
cial media sharing content and per- flashing their cash, fine clothes, alco- I wonder sometimes whether these
spectives about their lives that are hol and multiple affairs with women ‘experts’ actually believe that the
so deeply personal and explicit that for all to see, not thinking that the outcomes they are getting from their
I often wonder if they realize that basis for this foolishness came from various activities and interventions
their children and their children’s corrupt and idiotic 90s music vid- are good. Do they believe that these
friends either already are, or will eos, which were designed specifically are the ultimate achievements for
soon be on these same platforms. I to accentuate the so-called ‘good mankind to aspire towards? Or do
wonder if they know that children life’ of big houses, clubbing, wom- they just believe that, per what they
learn more by example than by talk- anizing, alcohol, designer clothes were taught in school, that they are
talk. But you know the reason why and drug use. They do not stop now at the pinnacle of all things
they are not conscious of it or sen- to consider for one moment that that man can do? Is that why they
sitive to it? They think themselves to this mindset actually succeeded in brag? Is there nothing more that
be sophisticated, grown up and wise infecting a generation of men, and they feel within them pushing them
in the ways of the world by talking women who carried the infection to interrogate the world around
about sizes of men’s private parts, on to the next generations by their them or their own choices and
and their or their partners’ sexual mimicry of these fake manufactured actions? Or, could it be, that they
prowess, in the most profane ways lifestyles. Living out their endorse- are too afraid to admit to themselves
in public spaces. And if you do not ments of the foolishness they and to those around them that what
approve, they toss you an irritated aspired to, while setting an example they are all doing, individually and
and dismissive ‘You do you boo’, as for the younger to copy… and boy, collectively, just does not seem to be
they continue to recruit those of like have they ever risen to the occasion! producing anything worthwhile, and
mind. We have a lot to be ashamed of and that the whole system just needs to
It is the Hollywood and Kardashian sorry for. be scrapped? Perhaps, deep down
phenomenon, which has blinded inside, they know that we simply
many into thinking that the display Governments and businesses in need to go back to basics. Are they
of foolishness and immorality are Afrika are experts in the push for ignoring niggling doubts and wor-
acceptable forms of social inter- uselessness and lifelessness on their ries? Are they ignoring that inner
action and engagement. Never for people by creating societies that are voice inside that is telling them that
once do they seem to think that based on futility. I mean, what do they are sitting on a steaming pile
there is cost and consequence for you really expect when you push of poo and they are responsible for
these seeds that they are sowing in your citizens into debt and your cleaning it up? We can do better and
society. youth, in particular, towards gam- we must do better, before its too
bling? As though these are positive late to even do anything at all.
When you have an elected Afri- or sustainable methods through
kan government official proudly which to help people grow or to Wisdom is justified by her children,
talking about how her underage teen keep people occupied. To then stand and currently the children of these
daughter is schooled in the use of back in shock when the results of Afrikan ‘experts’ are pointing to
contraceptives, bragging that they these activities are revealed is utter a dark, dark wisdom, whose only
will get them a vaccine for an STD, hypocrisy. Discovering that your output for society, and the world, is
a vaccine whose consequences will people overextended themselves uselessness, futility and lifelessness.
only be known in 30 years; while through easy access to credit, and Time for humility to reign, so that
others are pushing for abortion to are now dodging the consequences right thinking can be restored and
be legalized; while yet others are by skiving debt repayments (just like pure wisdom prevail.
72 | we tell the true afrikan story