Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 81

Health & Healing

                                              For as we can already see in
          at some point. But I do pray when    our modern world, science        crops without using chemicals to
          we realize we need to stop, it will                                   control pests and diseases? Second.
          not be too late for everyone.      without conscience, left in the    How, on God’s earth, will a people
                                                                                who call themselves researchers or
          It is becoming very real to me that   hands of those also without     scientists put the loss of money
          we are not just dealing with the     conscience, is nothing but a     first as against the loss of human
          physical madness of the avaricious                                    lives? Sometimes I wonder if people
          tendencies of people who want to     weapon of mass destruction       smoke dry monkey poop before
          make money by all means, but much   and population extermination.     making decisions and utterances
          more with the spiritual dimensions                                    that clearly do not make any sense.
          of things. For even those that claim
          that spiritual things are not real,   these chemicals would be detrimen-  Just so you know and understand a
          are only speaking from ignorance,   tal to food security, forcing Kenya   few things going on with the issue
          because the root of science itself is   to rely on imports to meet its annual   of chemicals in farming practices,
          found in what spirit beings revealed   needs.”                        let me share a short excerpt from
          to humans when they brought the                                       an article I copied online about the
          required and accepted rituals before   Dr Njagi said the country would   thousands of lawsuits against the
          such spirits. I will not go further   lose an equivalent of 16 percent in   makers of a herbicide called Round-
          with this.                         terms of the gross domestic prod-  up. In case you don’t know, Round-
                                             uct should farmers abandon the use   up is one of the most used but most
          A short while ago, I saw an arti-  of pesticides and herbicides in their   notorious agro-chemicals that have
          cle with the title: Kenya Risks    farming practices.                 been banned in other places, but still
          Sh150bn Loss In Pesticides Ban.                                       being imported into Afrika, just like
                                             “If the ban is effected, then Ken-  Ms Shollei pointed out.
          Now, let me give you the context of   ya will have no alternative but to
          what this article is about and then   become a net importer of food to   Monsanto started manufacturing Round-
          leave you to make your own deci-   meet the needs of its people as a   up in the mid-1970s, but it wasn’t until
          sion if the title itself and the con-  substantial amount of food will be   1996 that product sales really took off.
          tent of the article are not tools of   lost,” said Dr Njagi in a meeting   That’s when the company started market-
          deception and a poison to the health   organised by Science Kenya Africa.  ing seeds that were genetically modified to
          and wellness of humans. (You can                                      resist glyphosate. This meant Roundup
          read the article at the link above).  The researcher argued that limiting   could be used on and around crops, orna-
                                             farmers’ access to necessary tech-  mental plants, and flowers, which could
          The article points to a Bill in the   nologies would risk livelihoods and   continue to thrive while weeds and other
          Kenyan Parliament that a woman     compromise food security.          invasive kinds of  vegetation were eliminat-
          named Gladys Boss Shollei, the                                        ed. For now, Roundup can be found on the
          Uasin Gishu Women’s Representa-    In response to these events going   shelves of  most “big box” home improve-
          tive is sponsoring, which is aimed   on, Pest Control Products Board   ment centers and neighborhood hardware
          at banning the use of at least 200   general manager Paul Ngaruiya said   stores—favored by farmers, groundskeep-
          agro-chemicals locally. In her sub-  they have started reviewing more   ers, and backyard gardeners alike.
          mission in parliament, Ms Shollei   than 200 pesticides used in the
          argues that the cancer-causing     country following a request by the   In 2018, German pharmaceutical giant
          herbicides and pesticides banned in   National Assembly in the light of   Bayer bought Roundup creator and
          the United States and Europe were   the petition before Parliament on   manufacturer Monsanto, and ended up
          still being imported to and sold in   these chemicals use.            inheriting all of  Monsanto’s emerging
          Kenya, despite the health risks they                                  Roundup-related legal problems. The
          pose to the people.                Now, just to ask two questions.    safety of  pesticides and herbicides has been
                                             First, how were our Afrikan ances-  under scrutiny for decades, but in 2015 the
          But here is what Timothy Njagi, a   tors planting their crops and making   World Health Organization’s Interna-
          senior researcher at Egerton-based   harvests that served their commu-  tional Agency for Research on Cancer
          Tegemeo Institute of Research and   nities every year, in the very tropics   (IARC) announced a new classification
          Policy, Kenya, said about the sub-  where the researchesr are claiming   of  glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic”
          mission in parliament. “The ban on   farmers cannot afford to grow    (meaning it likely causes cancer).

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