Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 80
Health &
Samuel Phillips
Are we saying it’s ok to feed our people in the awake world but also in my questions. I noticed in the dream
poison just to justify food security? dream. Very interesting. that instead of being remorseful, at
least now that it was clear to her that
Are we saying it’s ok to spread cancer To give a little context to what I whatever product she was selling
around just to justify our bank ac- saw in my dream, my wife and I was not good for the health and
counts? were in a particular shop or so, and safety of the people, she instead
the owner of the shop, a business went to meet another woman in a
woman was visibly angry with us corner of her shop and they started
he above questions were for talking about the dangers of the talking in low tunes while looking at
what I saw myself asking
a business woman in a kind of business she does that puts me. I will not give any interpretation
Tdream I had recently. the lives of people at risk. She was of what I think the dream means,
pacing around grumbling and trying
but it is quite clear that there are
Imagine my concern for the health to make us realize how bad we are those who are in various businesses
of Afrikans have even shifted to my making her business look with the that are harming others and they
dream space, to the point where I
am not just challenging the fools’ things we are sharing, I guess in this are not in any way remorseful about
narrative of poisonous food security magazine and in our videos. That what they are doing nor want to
was when I asked her the above stop. But the thing is, stop we must
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