Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 85


                                                                                Once, very early in my walk, He sent
                                                                                me on an errand, to give some money
                                                                                to one of His daughters. As we went,
                                                                                I got puffed up in my head. “Hey! See
                                                                                me, going to do something for God. I
                                                                                must be important somehow. He has
     Walking Love                                                               Wow, I’m really something. I’m doing
                                                                                chosen to use ME! Oh look at me!!

                                                                                my part for the Kingdom!! Hey!” What
                                                                                followed  next not only shocked me
                                                                                and silenced me, but that big puffed
                                                                                up head was popped so fast and so
                                                                                memorably that it’s a memory and a
                                                                                key lesson I keep close to me at all
             Loving God and serving men is found in the little things we        times. He said - very STERNLY to
                   do that leaves beauty and sweet smiles on the                me - “If I send you somewhere, it’s to
                         faces of those we meet each day.                       do something FOR ME.  Not for you
                               By: Chioma Phillips                              to get your vain glory from. Do you
                                                                                understand? It  is  as MY  SERVANT
                                                                                you  go. I could just as easily use  a
        This is what it’s like to be a beneficiary  consideration and protection, as does
                                                                                DONKEY.  You  are NOT  any  better
        of walking love. To have dire need of  the water and  the air. Much  much
                                                                                than the one I am choosing to use you
        something:  shelter, food, clothing,  more than this,  our brothers  and
                                                                                to SERVE. DON’T GET IT MIXED UP
        encouragement,  wisdom,  rebuke,  sisters need love  and consideration
                                                                                IN YOUR HEAD.”
        correction, advice, kindness, help and  and care.  Those He made in His
        yes, even money... and to receive  it  image and according to His likeness.
                                                                                As rebukes go, that one was
        just when you need it the most, even  We are expected and indeed needed
                                                                                powerfully delivered and has not been
        from the most unlikely sources. To feel  to express God to one another, to give
                                                                                forgotten for more than a decade. It’s
        the relief of knowing that God knows  Him leeway to do what only He can do
                                                                                still fresh. Still saving my life, after
        you. Knows your exact location,  on earth, as it is in Heaven. To sever
                                                                                all “Pride comes before destruction
        situation, need and He can and is  those ties is to  lose love and value
                                                                                and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
        well and truly able to take care of you  upon the earth. Which is why creation
                                                                                He has also helped me to remember
        as He promised He would. It’s a cold  is still groaning for the manifestation
                                                                                this by ensuring that I have also gone
        glass of pure water on a hot, dry day.  of His sons, because we often don’t
                                                                                through times of great need in so
        Relief, in other words.             connect to the needs of His body as
                                                                                many ways. I have endured the bitter
                                            and when we should.
                                                                                sting of ‘help’ delivered in pride. The
        Life’s journey can sometimes be
                                                                                person saying to themselves that after
        hectic and often is very unpredictable.  Years  ago,  when  I  first  (properly)
                                                                                all ‘it’s their money that they worked
        Particularly  when    you    have   believed, God showed me a network
                                                                                hard for’ and having to take their help
        surrendered everything to  God  for  of interconnected  people  that He
                                                                                because God  said, “take  it  as  from
        Him to do what He likes with you. His  was building.  It  looked to  me like a
                                                                                me, forgive them.” Having to pray
        training  methods are very unique.  fishing  net,  link  upon  link  upon  link.
                                                                                for  them  to  learn that  it  all belongs
        They  ALWAYS match up with what  He explained to me that this is what it
                                                                                to God, for myself to forgive and be
        you absolutely must learn in order to  is supposed to be like in His Kingdom.
                                                                                more humble... and so on. I have
        be who you absolutely must be. The  One piece, made  up of many
                                                                                also received help from  those  who
        other thing  about God’s training  is  interconnected joints giving strength
                                                                                do it from a place of honoring those
        this, He makes sure to match up your  to the whole. He gave me the picture
                                                                                who God has highlighted to them, not
        training  and  experiences  with others  of a mountain-climbing expedition, to
                                                                                seeking  glory  or praise  from men or
        in His family that He too is training and  further clarify what He was saying.
                                                                                from God for the gift given. It’s such a
        raising up.                         He said, “What I desire of you,” (His
                                                                                blessing to the heart to receive such.
        His sword is double-edged  not only  children) “is, that the one with strength
                                                                                It truly is the ‘blessing that makes rich
        for the individual’s spirit and flesh or  in one area, who has overcome
                                                                                and has no sorrows added.’
        joints and marrow... but is communal  something will, having reached a
        for brother to brother, sister to sister,  new height, bend down and help the
                                                                                Rest assured, a gift given  in pride
        husband to wife, parent to child and  next person up, who will - in turn - do
                                                                                speaks. But love? Love is not boastful
        so on. It doesn’t stop. He makes sure  the same for the next and so on and
                                                                                or proud.  And remember, wherever
        that what I need is tied up in you and  so forth.” He said that we need one
                                                                                the feet can go, love can reach.
        what you need is tied up in somebody  another and that He has put different
        else and all is tied up in the training He  strengths in different people  and all
        desires to provide each one so that at  the answers that we need are in each
        the end of all things, none are lost but  other. The  key  is  to  find  out  what  is
        all are transformed into His image (as  in His heart concerning  the people
        iron sharpens iron).                He brings our way and handling them
        God created a network  when  He  EXACTLY  and PRECISELY  how He
        created man.  The soil needs our  instructs.
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