Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 80


                      Snack @ Heart

                               A GRAINY SNACK LIFE IS WORTH A  GOOD HEART
                                      By Kyesubire Gregg (

                                                                                          OAT MEAL


       Description:                                 Oatmeal bars:
       Crunchy or chewy, heart-healthy                Ingredients                 NB: Brown sugar can be
       oatmeal bars make a great snack        2.5 cups all-purpose flour          substituted with honey or
       or quick breakfast for all the family,   2.5 cups quick cooking oats       agave syrup in the ration of 1:2
       especially  when  you don’t  have         0.5 cups brown sugar             sugar to honey
       much  time.  Even  better, you can       0.5 cups regular sugar
       pack them with dried fruit, nuts and           1.25 cups oil               Serving suggestions:
       seeds  and  even  chocolate.  They                2 eggs                   Allow to cool, remove from the
       are also a fantastic  replacement       0.5 teaspoon baking soda           cake tin then cut into 2 inch
       for sweets  and  other  unhealthy     0.5 teaspoon baking powder           squares and serve
       snacks.                                   1 teaspoon cinnamon
                                                  1 tablespoon vanilla
       Health benefits of oats:               1 cup dark chocolate chips
       •Packed with important                                                     Enjoy!
         vitamins, minerals and             Method
         antioxidants,                      Grease and line a 10 inch square
       •High in fibre and protein,          cake tin and pre heat oven to 200
       •Helps lower blood  sugar and        C
         cholesterol levels,                Place all-purpose flour, oats,
       •Provides protection against         brown sugar, baking soda, baking
         skin irritation and                powder, cinnamon and chocolate
         reduced constipation,              chips in a bowl and mix well
       •Are very filling and have           Add the eggs and oil and mix well
         many properties that               but make sure it’s still sticky
         should make them a                 Spread over the baking sheet in
         weight loss food                   the cake tin and flatten
                                            Bake for 15-20 minutes or until a
                                            skewer inserted comes out clean

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