Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 79
aimed at keeping an entire culture leaves you needing more and so curse God put on production for
off balance. that you work more. LIke a drug, Adam’s choice of heeding the voice
You need to understand why this kind of. of deception which came through
is important. In the not-so-distant The world judges as able, good, his wife instead of heeding God’s
future, governments of this world worthy, noble, those who choose own voice. It says, in part:
are going to start to present you to fit into the moulds that they 17 ...“Cursed is the ground for
with fewer options and less room. present to them. A good student your sake; In toil you shall eat of
Certain countries in the world and answers all questions correctly it All the days of your life. 18 Both
in Afrika are already experiencing or is punctual, neat and doesn’t thorns and thistles it shall
this. It comes in the form of disrupt the class. A good employee bring forth for you, And you shall
‘convenience’, ‘efficiency’, completes all their assignments eat the herb of the field. 19 In the
‘development’ and ‘progress’ and well and shows ‘initiative’ or sweat of your face you shall eat
requires that mandatory action be ‘goes the extra mile’. A good bread Till you return to the
taken on the part of the citizens. citizen obeys all the laws of the ground, For out of it you were
Mandatory means ‘or else’. land and complies with the set taken; For dust you are, And to
The structure of the working world requirements. You are ‘good’ in the dust you shall return.”
as it is was set up, is designed to eyes of the law if you conform. To Contrast this with the blessing
feed into the success of the whole them. Even where that conformity which God spoke over man and
system, confining a recruit by takes you away from conformity note- there was no production on
contract. Which means that any to God. That’s the worst part of man’s part - in Genesis 1: 28-29
endeavor undertaken by you must this system. There is no room for and see also the promise of God
gain maximum advantage for the God outside of set parameters and of the blessing of rest when we
recruiting body. What I’m saying is, zones. turn back to Him in love Matthew
employment was designed to That ‘goodness’ displayed by the 11: 28-30.
get as much use out of you as student, worker or citizen, grants
possible, while you are bonded to them an access pass to every Does it sound to you as if the
them. But you were not designed reward possible, for as long as the current world system is anything
to be a slave. Hence the carrot system deems them fit and once but an engendering of the curse?
and the stick. They must make you they expire, they’re put out to
like it and believe there is mutual pasture, either in disgrace or with If one is sincere, especially when
benefit- or they must enforce some kind of celebrated honor presented with the conditions
subservience. The same is applied which often takes place before in many Afrikan countries... it
by governments to their methods men. doesn’t really seem to be going
of rulership. There is something wrong with the anywere. Afrika has believed a lie,
In the analogy of the company, world as it has been envisioned. that to build another Babylon will
everyone loses either way, If by the time you’re done with be successful this time so she
because in this equation, the recruit your day, or work-week, you have is marrying systems internally.
is not fully utilizing every aspect of expended yourself for something Guess whose backs the building is
who they are. For instance, if 40- that may have no eternal value, taking place on?
60 hours of a week are dedicated that has drained you, depressed
to one thought - with maybe 10 you, stressed you and has kept For as long as you choose to
extra hours thrown in out of need you from fulfilling your eternal toil and not seek God, choose to
either because of workload or purpose - especially, if you didn’t pursue physical things and not
other necessity - and then another check with God concerning your pursue God’s heart, choose to
20 hours (assuming a 5 day work- life. maintain status quo and not find
week) are spent commuting to or Now, that’s something that should out why you’re on earth... things
from work, 5 hours spent eating give one a moment’s pause. Even will go on as they are. It’s up to
lunch, 5 hours spent preparing for your vacation is time away from you. Go to school, work hard, get
work, 5 hours spent recovering something you ‘have to get back a job, work hard, die... or go to God
from work, then that means about to’ at the end of that period. That’s find rest and your purpose, live
80-100 hours a week or 16-20 if they don’t call you every other that out, glorify Him and Live.
hours a day are spent focused on day asking about something. So,
this one activity and giving it one’s for however long you’re with this Gen. 2:15 Then the LORD God took
all, because that’s what a ‘good’ or place, they keep you at their beck the man and put him in the garden
‘dedicated’ employee does, and and call, pretty much, saying they of Eden to tend and keep it.
there’s a perceived reward at the will take care of you, but... well,
end of the day which comes in the really, it’s you taking care of them.
form of something transient that Genesis 3:17-19 talks about the