Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 83
“This is not too bad”, I thought. We Lesson Number Three. quite the experience. I learned
went round the first bend and the You will get to your desired end. that I need to get some sort of
climb started to get a bit steeper. Even when it seems like everyone fitness regimen going! But I also
Although it’s a tarmacked, gradual else is beating you to the finish appreciated the fact that some
climb on the whole, there are some line. Have you ever wondered what people are in your life to help you
parts that are harder to climb than happened to your life? Sometimes get to the next level. They believe
others. when we take our focus off of in you, motivate you, support you,
God and fix it on other people tell you the truth and are just in
Lesson Number One. and the success they seem to be your corner through it all. Thank
Everyone starts at a different pace. effortlessly achieving, it’s easy God for them and then show them
Keep walking. As we walked up the to feel left behind. We need to you appreciate them. Because
hill, some people, obviously from understand the purpose of the sometimes life can be a little
a misplaced sense of adventure season God has us in and be as scary especially when you start a
(only explanation that makes fruitful in it as possible. If you new journey or encounter diverse
sense to me), started running trust God with your life, as your difficulties. What makes those
and even cycling up the hill. For Shepherd, then He will lead you challenging moments a little more
someone starting at snail’s pace, into His best for you. bearable is knowing you have a
this can seem a little intimidating. support system.
That must mean that they will “The race is not to the swift, or the
reach their destination faster than battle to the strong,
me, right? Wrong. What gets you Nor does food come to the wise, ~~Lorraine~~
to your destination is the stuff or wealth to the brilliant
you’re made up of on the inside, Or favour to the learned,
and where you draw your strength. But time and chance happen to
Are you trying to prove a point to them all”- Ecclesiastes 9:11
people in your life? Are you trying
to get people to acknowledge and So an hour later, we got to the
congratulate you? All this is great, top of the hill. Yay! For someone
but will trip you up and keep you who does a shameful amount
from getting to the desired finish of exercise, I was really proud of
line on time. myself... We stretched our aching
limbs (at least mine were) and
Lesson Number Two. after a few minutes started the
For your own sake, live a little! It’s climb down.
good to work hard at achieving
your goals. It’s even better to My companions decided to start
approach your life with a sense jogging back down the hill. I had
of determination to beat all every intention of joining them,
obstacles. But take brief stops except, my body refused to
along the journey. Enjoy your cooperate. So I walked down at
life. Every day. As I stood there my own pace and took breaks as I
taking in the moment, I took in deemed appropriate. (Read: every
the serenity and beauty of the 15 minutes).
place. I also looked behind me and
saw how far I had come, which As I walked down, I remember this
motivated me to keep going. God random guy stopped next to me
has brought me from a long way. and told me to try and jog a little
I stop now to thank Him and keep bit. Apparently it’s good for me.
moving one (sometimes tired and During one of my breaks, a few
frustrated) step at a time. other guys told me not to give up.
We continued steadily moving up I was almost there, they assured
the hill. We were almost there! On me.
the opposite side, there were some
other hikers that were on their way Final Lesson.
down. Lucky them! They were now Take time to thank the cheerleaders
enjoying the easier descent to the in your life. This whole hike was
base of the hill.