Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 84


                 Ablaze Dance

                             Crew Lagos

        In  2012,  during  a  time  of  prayer,  Using ideas from revelation’s from  what  needs  to  get  done,  using  a
        three  young  men,  dancers  and  God  and  through  research,  their  concept they call being ‘youthfully
        friends,  were  seeking  a  way  in  self-choreographed performances  useful’. They edit their own videos,
        which  their  lives  could  offer  a  have  taken  place  in  streets,  take  their  pictures  and  do  their
        solution  to  the  many  challenges  churches  and  on  international  productions  all  by  themselves.
        they  saw  around  them.  In  their  platforms.   They   were   even  They keep themselves busy doing
        environment they witnessed many  instrumental  in  the  peaceful  things  needed  to  support  their
        young people spending their time  elections  campaign  in  Kenya.  families  and  pay  the  bills.  They
        in  dance  clubs  and  out  on  the  Against all odds they continue their  have  more  than  five  graduates,
        street looking for money. They felt  efforts of Dancegelism, to spread  they have 4 CEOs and they have
        they could do something different.  the good news of Christ Jesus to  members  enrolling  into  various
                                            as many as they can.                activities  this  year.  Dance  has
        As  they  prayed,  much  like  the                                      taught  them  many  things  beyond
        Apostles of old, they each saw the  Even when nobody knew them and  dance, one for which is to always
        same thing in the spirit... something  no  church  wanted  to  adopt  them  learn to let God lead, as you keep
        burning. This scared them at first,  and  even  a  close  friend  advised  moving forward in the race with no
        but they connected it to an identity  them to change their name, saying  distractions.
        and  purpose  of  the  group  they  that  the  word  ABLAZE  sounded  Among  other  things,  Ablaze
        were  forming  and  captured  it  in  satanic.  Even  when  they  were  Dance  Crew  exist  to  raise  end
        their  name:  Ablaze  Dance  Crew.  low on cash and often tempted to  time  warriors  (particularly  youths
        They  made  the  decision  to  burn  be  called  nice  names,  or  belong  and  young  adults)  through  the
        and shine and spread the gospel  to  certain  groups,  get  into  cults  instrument of dance. Warriors who
        through  dance,  based  on  Matt  or  gangs,  or  cyber  crime  (yahoo  would use their God given talents
        5:14 ‘ye are the light of the world.’  yahoo)...  they stuck to it through  to be the light of the world.
        They  seek,  with  the  help  of  the  prayer,  trusting  God  and  being
        Holy Spirit, to passionately be the  consistent,  and  they  have  seen  It’s  impressive  to  see  the  focus
        light  of  God  wherever  they  go  to  the  rewards.  The  desire  to  build  and  determination  among  young
        minister,  to  impact  lives,  spread  up a generation of God’s burning  people, who are often more easily
        hope, transform souls and liberate  army  that  would  stand  strong  caught up in things of the world. To
        -  and  set  the  place  ablaze  for  for  God  has  been  stronger  than  encounter a people determined to
        God. The call this Dancegelism -  what they see in the world. Sadly,  see  God  shine  through  them,  no
        a portmanteau they were given of  some  of  their  members  did  give  matter the personal cost to them.
        ‘Dance Evangelism’.                 in to the temptation and leave the  In  a  world  that  is  often  so  fickle
                                            group,  but  others  remained  and  and flaky, we thank God for them
        Drawn from different backgrounds  yet others joined them, even from  and our prayer is that God would
        and  family,  the  young  men  have  other  faith  backgrounds.  Ablaze  continue to sustain and strengthen
        pushed  to  grow  their  craft  and  lovingly share their faith and have  them to help them see their course
        improve  their  skills,  both  on  and  seen their brothers follow Jesus as  faithfully through till the end.
        off the dance floor. From an initial  a result.
        3, Ablaze Dance Crew has grown                                          See facebook profile here:
        to  a  team  of  25  young  men  and  The  group  members  have  found
        women  aged  between  19-25.  innovative  ways  to  get  done  ablaze.dc

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