Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 78


                                                                                GOD IS REAL.  The system that
                                                                                the  world designed has  very
                                                                                deliberately  avoided  embracing
                                                                                God in all that it does and says.
                                                                                Why? They don’t want you to make
                                                                                Him your everything  because it
                                                                                makes you easier to control, more
                                                                                predictable,  easier  to deceive
                                                                                if  you don’t believe.  Trust  me,
                                                                                walking with God will cause major
                                                                                deviations  and shifts from their
                                                                                own plans and schemes. God is
                                                                                the Master Creator of rebels for
                                                                                His cause.
          God’s Blessing. Toil or Tend                                          Let  me  explain. Over  time,
                                                                                mankind has been subjected to a
          BY: CHIOMA PHILLIPS                                                   certain type of educational system
                                                                                and process of socialization.  At
                                                                                the end of the day, what these are
        The sum-total of man’s existence  conformist model.  Conform to
                                                                                designed to do for you is threefold:
        is  not  restricted to  one level of  set  education, work and  living
                                                                                1. Shape your thinking and
        expression alone - and you know  standards, or else forfeit whatever
                                                                                reasoning so as to influence your
        that. Why then persist in squashing  benefits are gained due to said
        what God created as limitless  conformity. Yet, God designed no         decision-making;
        potential  into boxes,  labels and  man to be slave to another. That’s   2.  Define  your  sense  of  morality
                                                                                (right and wrong, good and evil);
        stereotypes? Take the example of  why  certain  kinds  of  confinement
                                                                                3. Integrate you into a systemic
        the workplace, the real issue is the  are not forced on you, particularly
                                                                                pattern of behavior, scheduled  by
        structure of  the system of  work  in more liberal environments.
        itself and its unfortunate saddening  Instead they use enticements      specific milestones under specific
        and deadening  rigidity,  which  that appeal  to your sensibilities.    governing structures.
        is  confining,  like  a  grave  which  In other environments where they
                                                                                That’s why you can find so many
        offers no escape. Which is funny  don’t have to pretend to be so nice,
                                                                                people who went through the same
        because, most of the businesses  they simply force you to do what
        so governed, began  through  they want and either compensate            system all having a particular way
        moments of inspiration and liberty  you or not.                         of thinking. It influences where
                                                                                they shop, what they like to wear,
        of expresion. So, what happened  Without a higher purpose to drive
                                                                                what music they like, cars they
        to that freedom? Someone decided  you, everything soon becomes
                                                                                would  prefer to buy. Even the
        to safeguard the creation without  tedium and monotony. I am talking
        giving due credence to the need to  about God’s  purpose for your       mavericks amongst them are
        preserve liberty. This is what sets  life as being  the only thing that   predicted, anticipated and catered
                                                                                for. So if everyone  is happy  with
        employers  against  employees  drives you. With God’s purpose
                                                                                bright colors, they anticipate a
        and makes employees go through  at the core of what you’re doing,
                                                                                certain percentage will prefer  to
        an unnecessary amount of  inner  even circumstances  that make
        turmoil.                            other people  cringe,  can be like   stand out  from the  crowd and
        The     creation   of   unnatural   heaven to you, or vice versa, but   choose dark colors.
                                                                                For many countries which were
        environments  that try to coerce  in the cringe-worthy environment
                                                                                colonized, their own particular form
        independent,    limitless  people   you learn new depths in God as
                                                                                of indoctrination was designed to
        into staying and complying, using  He becomes your true compass
        either the carrot of salaries and  and measure in all things. Why?      ensure that the people in those
        benefits or the stick - the threat of  Because you’re right where He    countries   believed   that   the
                                                                                colonizers were far  superior in
        their loss.                         has placed you, for  the time or
                                                                                appearance, diet,  attire,  intellect,
        Man is not a donkey,  man was  season He has chosen and for the
                                                                                technology, lifestyle etc. This was
        not created as a beast of burden.  express purpose that He placed in
        In case you’re an employee and  you to accomplish.  It’s when  you      infused insidiously even  into
        you’re struggling to find a fit - it’s   begin  to trade this holy purpose   religious training, thereby providing
                                                                                the colonized  nations with a
        not necessary to conform to what’s  for money, benefits and praise that
                                                                                particularly skewed perspective of
        on the ground.  There is a very  you begin to lose out the most.
                                                                                Jesus and God as a Whole. It was
        good reason for this. Afrika, and  Here’s what the world continually
        the rest of the world, were sold a   tries to prevent you from believing.   a perfectly designed distortion
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