Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 76
it, it can release everything. But dead bodies don’t hear. They don’t them.” I remember once the chief
many people don’t open heavens. talk. Because that brain becomes and the police came to Kinangop,
They talk, they congregate, they porridge instantly, immediately there were many people I said, “It’s
go home and nothing changes, they are delinked; like a radio you them who came to me.” Then the
because God doesn’t work like hook to a main. One traditional patients said, “You’re telling us to
that. It is one spirit to, it is linkage of healer came from South Afrika, he go to hospital? Come. This is my
a spirit to the bigger spirit, period; was my visitor. He wanted me to document for Kenyatta, document
it’s not the buildings. take him to Mt. Kenya, we have a for Kijabe, document for Naivasha,
place where people used to go to document for Njabini. I was not
MA: What do we do? How do we worship; I pray there. I said, “I don’t able to walk before I came here.
help them? go beyond here without praying.” It’s him who made me walk. Where
Dr. Githae: We talk the way we’re He asked, “Githae, you mean are you telling me to go?” They
talking. I talk wherever I can talk. you pray? You’re a scientist. You almost attacked him. And then
I didn’t know you. I didn’t ask at pray?” I said, “What do you mean the Chief said, “Hey you, today I
the beginning, but I’m telling you scientist? What is science? Now will not arrest you. Next time I find
what I believe in, what I’ve lived that you have approached that you.” Later on the Chief came and
for. That’s why I was rejected for question in a scientific manner, he pleaded with me that he brings
nearly 10 years. They started do you know that the world is his kid; I treated him it ended like
coming back to me when they round? Do you know it is one of that. It took me eight years before
saw the entire world is looking the heavenly bodies that go round I got a license because there’s no
for, Commonwealth Secretariat, each other as they also rotate provision for license for traditional
UNESCO, WHO, all universities on their axis?” He said, “Yes.” I healers.
looking for me even I have papers asked, “How much power does an
from America who want to publish object of the caliber of the earth MA: What license did they
my work. I have 48 manuscripts. require to rotate on its axis? How eventually give you?
20 are registered with Kenya much power would the moon need Dr. Githae: It’s a paper that says,
Library Service I have IBS number to keep away from the earth as it “You are authorized to practice
for them. When I stopped going rotates round to avoid crashing into traditional medicine in the Afrikan
round, I had so much time I didn’t one another?” I said, “Whatever norms as long as you don’t harm
know what to do with it. I started created and controls those, it is anybody.”I think we have a long
to put my ideas in black and white the source I lift my hand to, to get way to go. What you are doing is
and keep them, when I have a strand of that energy, because very very important. Actually there
money, they can be published. indeed it is the same energy that would be no traditional medicine
The church has a very big role made you, made me and it is it that in Kenya were it not for the media.
to play to rejuvenate that which makes us communicate.” I said The first journalist to cover me.
they destroyed. It was the church to him, “If you want to come with He came to Naivasha to cover a
that was used to destroy our me there, I will pray in English so politician, who wasn’t available.
culture, our medicine, even to that you can follow.” He said, “No, He didn’t want to go back without
adulterate our spirituality, which it will spoil your prayer.” I said, a story. So he saw my little car, my
was authentic - very authentic. “What God are you talking about? car on the side I had written Karati
How can you heal without God? I The God I’m talking about knows Rural Service Centre Kinangop,
always tell my patients, they come all languages. He knows all the that’s where I had written the work
“Eh am I going to die?” I say, “Look, modes of worship.” Eventually he I did in Kinangop. He put a small
me, I do my bit. You do your bit by agreed. We went and prayed and note on the windscreen on the car.
obeying what I tell you. That other he said, “When you were praying, I didn’t see it I got in I was about
bit we leave to Whoever created I felt something go in.” I said, “That to take off when he stopped me
you because I can’t do that.” Who is a strand of the energy.” and explained that he had left me
put the medicine in these plants, a note and wanted to cover what
who did? Who? MA: How did you eventually get I do. I said, “This is witchcraft.”
Go back to your library, get your the license to do what you’re He said, “What do you mean it
biology book, and take a picture doing? is witchcraft?” I said, “I deal with
of your brain. Your brain isn’t any Dr. Githae: I practiced for 8 years traditional medicine, which you
different from the porridge you without a license. From 1971 when people call witchcraft.” He said,
take in the morning. The only I started treating people I have “Well, it’s not witchcraft, I’ll cover it
difference is the capacity of your been arrested many times. Taken anyway.” I asked him to stay over
brain to link up with the heavens. in, I come out, people come to me, in Naivasha and I would take him
That’s why I can talk, you can talk, until I told the police, “Look, keep to Kinangop the next day, so that
and you can hear me. That’s why these people away from me. Cure he could talk to the patients first,