Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 77

because  the best way to assess  pyrethrum was wild. I think I have      Period.  They  are inseparable.  In
        any therapy and any healer  is  better plants than coffee, tea and       our culture, the diet, interaction
        through the  patients.  He agreed.  pyrethrum.                           with people  and spirituality are
        He saw so many people  that he                                           inseparable.  Then there’s the
        gave the story 2-page coverage.  MA: What would  be your                 family  dynamics.  The Afrikan
        He also organized for me to go to  counsel to Afrikans or Kenyans        family dynamic is therapeutic.
        TV, because his parents were my  concerning          health      and     The  harmony.  These  conflicts,
        patients, his wife was my patient.  wellness?                            depressed  people,  they murder
        That’s how he came to know about  Dr. Githae: They have to go back       each other -see what is going on?
        me.                                 to traditional lives.  You are what   The violence is a sign of sickness.
        I created a monograph, where  you eat. They have to go back to           Emotional and physical imbalance
        I have all medicinal  plants,  chemical-free  foods and holistic         and you can’t handle them through
        coded. They have a folio number.  foods, not fatty foods. Fermented      courts. I think the traditional mode
        Then I have a whole  section of  porridge, for instance, is medicinal,   of life and mode of interaction have
        the monograph covering what  it’s very high in vitamin K; it’s not       to come up and  you need  model
        diseases that plant covers in  the same as ordinary porridge.            centers where  you have these
        humans. Another section outlines  Ugali (pap, nsima, sima) made of       integrated traditional dynamics at
        what diseases,  the same plant  blended floor, of course, such as        play, where people can break away
        treats in livestock, what are the  cassava,  sorghum,  finger  millet.   for  a  weekend and taste  it  and
        uses the same plant  has in  crop  All those have different properties,   live it actualize it,  learn it and go
        protection for instance, and can  when  they are put together…           propagate it. How about that?
        it be used  for cabbages,  carrots  that’s the  Afrikan way of doing
        or  to  fight  pests?  Then  we  have  things.  That’s why even in our
        a  section for  other multipurpose  herbal medicine, we never use
        uses for  all plants.  At  the  end I  one  plant. Even in  the traditional
        have coded known compounds in  dishes,  the food our people,  my
        the same plants. I’m doing 20,000  mother cooked  had maize beans                    “
        medicinal  plants in the world. I  peas, thoroko (cow pea leaves),
        had Chinese,  Spanish,  Russian  vegetables,  pumpkin  leaves, and          Tea is herbal medicine.
        literature translated and eventually  then we have amaranth, bananas,
        there will be an encyclopedia. That  potatoes which were then mashed
        will  be my greatest contribution  together. What isn’t  in that food?
        in this area before I retire, God  And you know, when they talk
        willing.  I’m doing  that because  about vaccine for malaria, many        For health questions, counsel and
        with that you come out with the  of  our  traditional vegetables can      even how to  reach Dr Githae, please
                                                                                  reach us at:
        very best and then you come out  prevent malaria. Many.  Including
        with alternative  plants. Some  of  managu (Afrikan nightshade) can       or call: +254738489470
        the plants we are using are so  prevent. Nourish you and prevent
        sensitive  they’re  just about to  malaria. It’s not like spinach; it’s not
        be extinct.  Yet  they  are weeds  like kale, they have no chemicals.
        we burn, weeds  we bury which  Our  people have to  go back to
        are better medicines  than the  traditional diets; they have to have
        threatened plants we are using.  the food made the traditional way,
        For each plant we score its broad  because  the conventional  way
        spectrum score; the ability of one  they contaminate it with aluminum
        plant to cure more than one disease  and too much boiling.  They
        in humans, in livestock and its  contaminate  it with commercial
        toxicity,  availability,  sustainability  oil, which you don’t know how
        etc. At the end there is a score,  it’s made with bleaching  agents.
        one number that reflects the utility  People  using  funny spices.  Then
        value of that plant globally. 20,000  lifestyles: people need to interact,
        medicinal  plants will be many  people  need  to balance  physical
        volumes.                            and sedentary lives, otherwise you
        Eventually, with this scoring now  rot then diabetes and hypertension
        with the monograph I will come out  will  kill you. Spirituality: health
        with plants that can be established  means being at par with the
        in commercial plantations. Like,  expectation  of the Creator within
        tea was wild, coffee was wild, and  the ecosystem He put you in.
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