Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 75


        in Mt. Kenya do. They have no vets  MA: What  do  you  think  about  International  University. I didn’t
        in Mt.  Kenya  and the Aberdares,  GMOs?                                want a university that would do
        yet elephants, giraffes, the zebras,  Dr. Githae: I am against them. I  only alternative medicine. I wanted
        are healthier  than our cattle,  am an agriculturalist.  I am totally  a university that would constitute a
        because they eat right, they adapt  against them.  This is sabotage.  center of excellence in Afrikanism:
        their diet to changing  needs  and  Even when the previous President  Afrikan history, Afrikan philosophy,
        circumstances and instinctively  first  signed  that,  I  sent  a  note  to  Afrikan ideology  and  Afrikan
        they know what to eat,and what not  him. “If I were you, I wouldn’t do  technology. That’s the only way we
        to eat at given times. Our people  that.” I even challenged those  can recapture our identity and have
        managed  to keep the disease-       people who advised him  to  do  our identity like the Chinese have
        burden  low because  they had a  that, because GMO is making us  theirs, like the Indians have theirs.
        habit of taking herbal tonic soups.  dependent  on  others,  first.  Two,  Ours is haphazard.  Traditional
        Every  family,  even in your own  they are developed  by the very  medicine was just a curtain raiser in
        setting, there  must be  somebody  evil forces that have an interest  a wider initiative, and it has proved
        who once in a while would go for  in our setting.  These are some  beyond doubt that we have better
        some herbal  material, buy some  of the tactics that were used to  medicine and  I  can make better
        bones, make soup, children were  depopulate South America, North  medicine  for Kenya  for asthma,
        given  forcefully  literally. Because  America, Australia and Canada.   for arthritis, for hypertension, for
        now many people cannot get this  The other concern I have is too  diabetes, for epilepsy. I even made
        material, I am intending to develop  many vaccinations. Vaccines are  a formulation for ebola and wrote
        a whole  range  of herbal  teas.  attenuated germs made weaker.  the Head of State and the Cabinet
        Some that oriented  to preventing  If  a  child  can  get  five  six  seven  Secretary when our doctors were
        diabetes, particularly in those  vaccinations  within  a given time,  going to  West  Afrika;  I  pleaded
        families  that are genetically  or  it will not work.  There will be  with  them to take my medicine,
        lifestyle inclined.  Another line  conflict.  And  is  it  necessary?  If  which  was in tablet form, to take
        for those who are inclined  to get  we have academicians  who are  it and go try it there. I am double
        blood pressure, others for genetic  passionate about researching and  sure they work, because I  have
        conditions  like  arthritis  which  is  coming out with new innovations,  been  treating  rabies  since 1960,
        becoming very prevalent and then  the first innovation should be why  which is viral. Parvovirus as
        we make one for cancer.             elephants in Mt.  Kenya don’t get  long  as 1970, Newcastle, which
        Cancer, diabetes, hypertension  the diseases our cattle have. They  are viral and then in our WHO
        are diseases of toxicity.  And the  don’t die out. The zebras which are  research network exchange we
        way you can prevent them is first,  like our donkeys are healthier than  have many medicinal  plants that
        keep down the toxicity, by having  our donkeys.  The way to prevent  have antiretroviral compounds.
        ingredients in the tea that detoxify  diseases in our children is dietary  When they are bred together and
        the system.  We have poisons in  and lifestyle. Not vaccination.        you add some other material to
        the water we drink, in the food  According        to    archeological   deal with complications, ebola can
        we eat, in the air we breathe. The  evidence the Africoids or Negroids  be treated.
        trend is every other person will  have been in  Afrika for 150,000   God has never created anything
        have cancer. So, when we have  years. The second oldest race of  that doesn’t have a way to manage
        a tea that boosts immunity and  the three races of the world is the  it.  Now,  as far  as our people
        detoxifies, that in itself manages a  Europoid,  the people  of Europe.  traditionally  when they had any
        lot. Those people who because of  They are 40,000 years old.  The  disease they had seers who could
        genetic weaknesses, as they have  Mongoloid  the  Chinese, Indian,  see it come, they had seers who
        the tea, they can give their kids  Japanese are 6,000 years old. The  could see what you can use and
        instead of ordinary tea. It’s 100%  older a civilization is, the wiser it is.  how and they also had clergy who
        safe.  The tea will  stimulate you,  The more sustainable their lifestyle  would pray,  neutralizing  it.  They
        will boost your immunity and will  is, the more intelligent  they are.  went to Mt. Kenya, they prayed,
        remove surplus toxins by cleaning  So we should, like you said earlier  within  a week you don’t hear of
        the liver, cleaning the kidney and  we should revisit those dynamics  it, just like they did for rain. This
        cleaning the  blood. It  will cost  that have made us live that long,  is Afrikan spirituality. It’s real. It’s
        more or  less the  same.  I  have a  made us  survive where weaker  based  on forces that created  the
        range of them already made, and  people perished and develop that  world, forces  that  created the
        some are coming.                    to  recapture our identity,  our lost  heavenly bodies that  go round
                                            reputation, dignity and integrity.  one another.  Those forces are
        MA: It can be taken by young and  The  university I  was planning  controlled by  such a  big force
        old? Even by nursing mothers?       to  establish was going to  be  that  it  is that  source we stretch
        Dr. Githae: Yes.                    called the  Afrikan Renaissance  our hands to,  to  get a strand of

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