Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 71


        our challenges for decades, does  And by this, I do not mean to make  desires,  which is the heart of
        it not mean that they will never do  her see the potential that will make  corruption.
        so and that we are missing the real  her more of a slave of economy,
        point of why we are a continent?    tax, money or false wealth. Her  As an  Afrikan, love sincerely,
                                            true  potential is  that  which is  teach your kids and anyone you
        The Way of Mindfulness              connected directly to  the eternal  meet how to  love. Stop talking
        Of all the books I have read in my  things God has in mind for the  love  and start living  out love. Be
        entire life, and I have read lots of  world, through her obedience to  mindful of  others, their joys and
        them, one book stands apart from  Christ. Simple. Every other  thing  their sadnesses.   Stop parading
        all of them. It’s a book by James  is just the reward that comes from  hyper-real stories on social media
        Allen called Mind is  the  Master  -  using that true potential.        and  in your  gatherings  that have
        A collection  of nineteen  books in                                     nothing to do with reality, but are
        one. I love this book to bits. If not  Afrika is blessed indeed         simply lies. Do all to raise your
        for anything else, then for the fact  Afrika must create her own reality,  Afrikan brother up. Pray for the
        that a man (James Allen) lived a  away from the programming that  peace and restoration of  Afrika.
        simple life of  love, compassion,  she has been subjected to for  Don’t turn blind eyes to corruption
        mindfulness and also wrote down  centuries. To create is to give life.  and the desire for its proceeds.
        masterfully  his gracious  lifestyle  Not to create is not to give life.  Let the leaders of Afrikan nations
        for all people to see that a life of  Afrika must create within  herself  create policies that strengthen
        godliness is possible.              the mindset and the outer platforms  love and brotherhood and stop the
        Jesus said “As a man thinks, so  that  give room for  that  which  things that undermine  the same.
        is he”. Meaning that, what a man  strengthens love, mindfulness,  Afrika is truly blessed, but like the
        engages his mind to think about is  compassion,  brotherhood  and  garden of  Eden, we as  Afrikans
        what he is. Meaning that we all are  peace.  All Afrikans  must  give  must tend and keep this gracious
        what we thought yesterday and  priority to  loving one another,  for  blessing God gave us. For no one
        will  be tomorrow, what we think  there is  no difference between a  else will do or at best, they will do
        today.                              South Afrikan and a North Afrikan,  it for their own selfish gains.
        I write these words to my Afrikan  a West Afrikan and an East Afrikan.
        brothers with a question  in my  Afrika must begin to appreciate and  There remaineth love, hope and
        heart. What  is it  that  the fathers  reward, with love, those who create  faith, but the greatest is love.
        of  this  continent thought  about  things that  give hope, positivity
        or didn’t think about that brought  and strength to the Afrikan people  Remain blessed, lifted, loving
        us into the mess we are in right  and stop celebrating thieves and mindful.
        now; and what it is that we in this  sycophants, immoral entertainers
        generation  are thinking  or not  and the likes that are corrupting
        thinking  that will  keep  us in this  our children. We are simply what
        mess tomorrow? We are simply  we appreciate and love.
        what we think about and that
        which we allow our minds to dwell  One of the most challenging
        on. Personally, I grew up not liking  issues we have in  Afrika right
        Afrika, especially  Nigeria  where I  now is corruption. But the chase
        was born. And my reason for not  against corruption is vague and at
        liking Afrika or Nigeria was simple.  best, futility. Why? Corruption is a
        My young curious mind could not  huge industry and the proceeds
        understand  why a man (Afrikan  of  that industry feed the system
        or Nigerian) would know the right  that  tries  to  put  everyone  under
        thing to do and choose not to do it,  bondage. For those that say they
        either because  he wants to  save  are fighting corruption and at the
        face or he is just too ignorant of  same time are the leaders of the
        the consequences of his choices.  system that corruption  feeds are
        I didn’t want to have  anything  simply deceiving themselves and
        to do with Nigeria or  Afrika and  the truth is not in them. Corruption
        I  was  sincere about it.  But  little  as the fruit of evil desire  and
        did I know that my mandate and  mindlessness,  will  die  a natural
        assignment  from God would  be  death from Afrika if we pay mind
        about Afrika. Now I love Afrika and  to mindfulness. For mindfulness,
        her people and would do anything  which  comes  by  selfless  love,  is
        to make her see her true potential.  the  cure  to  selfishness  and  evil

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