Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 72


              GREEN HANDS

                       Grow Your Own Food God’s Way

                                          RESTORE THE LAND

                                          By: Nicholas Munyororo

        RESTORE THE LAND                    of  God,  He fashioned him  out  of  will not have the natural nutrients
        Genesis 1:26- Let us make man  the dust of the ground. Man was  found in the soil and may cause
        in Our  image, according to  our  made from the dust of the ground  diseases (cancer) simply because
        likeness; let them have dominion  and therefore what he was given  humans require natural nutrients
        over  the  fish  of  the  sea,  over  for food would naturally also come  and not chemicals to nurture and
        the  birds of  the air,  and over  the  from the same ground. The plants  strengthen their bodies. It is not a
        cattle,over the earth and over  and trees that man gets his food  surprise then, that all the nutrients
        every creeping  thing that creeps  from grow  in the soil  from which  required in the human body can be
        on the earth.                       he was created. The soil provides  found in the soil. Soil that has been
                                            the nutrients that help  the plants  made  infertile  can be restored
        In our last article we saw how the  to grow. Nutrients are transferred  to its former fertility by applying
        soils in Africa have been degraded  from  the soil to  the plant and  farming techniques which imitate
        and depleted through deforestation,  from the plant to the body of man  Gods way  of farming.  God’s
        soil erosion,  plantation farming  when he eats it. For this reason,  garden  was a highly  productive
        (mono-cropping),  increasing  use  the nutritional value of  the soil  rainforest, which  was in need of
        of fertilizers and  pesticides  and  (fertility) is of prime importance  nothing. The forest was productive
        herbicides. A healing of our minds  when growing food.                  even in drought years and never
        and spirits to mirror the image in                                      slowed or lost its productivity. The
        which we were created, will result  When the soil is depleted of its  trees never dried up and always
        in a healing and restoration of the  fertility through mono-cropping,  produced  fruit in every season.
        land, so that it produces the food  soil erosion,  slash and burn  God put in place a system which
        able to nourish our bodies in the  farming techniques, fertilizers are  allowed the plants and the soil to
        way originally intended. God gave  used to feed the plants growing  coexist with high production levels,
        man “every herb that yields seed  in the land. In  the last article we  no environmental degradation and
        which is on the face of all the earth  saw that use of chemical fertilizers  little or no soil erosion and with
        and every tree whose fruit  yields  can continue to the point where  ability to tolerate the most severe
        seed” for  food.  We also see in  nothing will grow on the land until  climate  of the  African continent.
        Genesis 2 that though man was  chemical fertilizers are applied.  The system God put in place that
        made in the image and likeness  Food that has been grown this way  created the most productive  eco
    72                                 HEALING - RESTORING - REBIRTHING - AFRICA
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