Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 70


                    indfulness  is simply   see the examples below.             ingrained in nature and the things
                    the art  of  paying     Suppose you  are getting late for  we see, that we really don’t have
                    the right mind or       work and rushing  to catch the  any excuses for not living out the
                    attention to  others    peak hour bus or train. As soon as  patterns of love and mindfulness.
      Mor to  circumstances.                the bus door opens, you may run  See what the Apostle Paul wrote
        It is directly against mindlessness   inside to grab a seat (or even find  “For the commandments, “You shall
        which is the attitude that  doesn’t   a place to stand) without actually  not  commit  adultery,”  “You  shall
        pay mind to others or which pays    waiting  for  people  to  get  off  first.  not murder,” “You shall not steal,”
        attention to things that  have      And even though you know you  “You shall not bear false witness,”
        no real value. Mindfulness is a     are being downright offensive (to  “You shall not covet,” and if there
        beautiful  attitude and attribute   others), you nevertheless  do it,  is any other commandment, are all
        to have in one’s life. It  has the   because  of the fear of getting  to  summed up in this saying, namely,
        ability to  create space for  unity   work late or because  you really  “You shall love your neighbor as
        and collective purpose, which       don’t care about who is hurt or not,  yourself.” Love  does  no harm to
        every nation on earth really needs   as long as you have your own way.  a neighbor;  therefore love is the
        right now. While mindfulness        Let’s take another example... how  fulfillment of the law. Rom 13:9-11.
        stems from love, loveliness and     many times have you held the  In other words, He who loves his
        true compassion;  mindlessness      door for  others  who are walking  neighbor...will not steal from him.
        stems   from   self-centeredness    just behind you or climbed up an  The public servant that loves his
        and  selfish  pursuit  of  gains,   escalator  in a queue?  Not often  countrymen...will  not steal the
        which  always  undermines  the      you would say. Or  how many  pension  funds meant for men
        spirit of  brotherhood. Concerning   times  have you seen a kid in  and women who have labored for
        compassion,    scriptures   paint   your neighborhood  doing  what  years in active service. The pastor
        several pictures of Jesus relating   is not right and then you correct  who loves God and His people will
        to the multitudes of people         him or report him to his parents  not undermine that trust to defraud
        that thronged  Him each day,        for appropriate discipline?  Not  them. The house owner who loves
        with compassion and absolute        often also.  And this is because  God, will not throw out a tenant
        mindfulness   of   their   pains,   we have been lied to  as to  how  for  not  paying  rent  on time.  The
        weaknesses  and circumstances.      to live without paying  attention  teacher who loves his teenage
        His mindful attitude towards        to  others.  The art  of  practicing  girls and wants a bright future for
        them, which created compassion      restraint by  paying attention,  them will not defile them sexually.
        within Him, always birthed healing   displaying  perseverance is called  The list goes on and on.
        and miracles among the people.      Mindfulness. It is a beautiful art of
        Healing does happen when we are     living and something that Japan as  Of what use is the unity of nations
        mindful of others.                  a country has mastered over time.   if we don’t learn from one another.
                                                                                If  Jesus modeled  for us the way
        Every nation  on the earth has a    He who loves                        of love, compassion, mindfulness,
        culture  and  way of life that sets   Love  and   mindfulness    work   and  if Japan has perfected or
        them apart from others. Unique      together. Love is the beginning  mastered the art  of  mindfulness
        behavioral patterns that reveal the   of all things good and godly,  and it works in their society
        true heart of the people and what   while  mindfulness,  coupled  with  with such ease and peace, how
        they believe and stand for. Some    compassion is the force by which  about other nations,  especially
        of these behavioral patterns were   love  is expressed. Love is God  Afrikans learning the way of Jesus’
        passed down from generations of     and God is Love and it is He who  compassion and the Japanese art
        those who lived in that  manner,    began all things in love. Meaning  of mindfulness. Afrikan nations can
        and some were created afresh.       that there is nothing  a man can  ingrain the learning of mindfulness
        One of  such nations with unique    do outside of love that will please  in the curriculum that our children
        behavioral  patterns is Japan.      God.  Yes the bible  says without  are taught from,  instead of  the
        The Japanese people are widely      faith it is impossible to please God,  false curricula that  programs

        known for their art of mindfulness.   however, faith comes from hearing  them  like robots  following the
        Mindfulness for a Japanese is not   the word of God who is Love. So  chase of vanity, through unhealthy
        just something  they adopt along    love  is the beginning  of all  faith  competition for class and position.
        the way, it’s what they are taught   and  compassion.  And therefore,  The change that Afrika is looking
        as children and that which they     the only way to live.               for  is contained within her own
        are compelled  by what they see     The words of Jesus are so clear as  decisions  and choices. For if the
        others do, to also do. For many     to how man is meant to live with  Doctorate and the Masters degree
        people  who  may not know what      man right here on earth. The ways  holders  that we have  in  Afrika
        mindfulness looks like in real life,   and the thoughts of  God are so  have  not found any solutions  to
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