Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 73

        -systems in the world had almost  consequently depleted of nutrients  fertilizer bag labels give a clear
        zero soil tilling or ploughing, no  that contribute to its fertility. When  breakdown of the nutrients
        destruction of the trees, and the  no till farming systems are used,  provided. If only I didn’t have to
        leaving in place of the blanket  this is avoided  and the soil will  worry about calories like a pea
        of fallen leaves and  twigs which  begin to heal itself and restore the  plant!
        form the floor of all natural forests.  fertility that had been lost.   7.     All  of   the   essential
        God’s  systems  also have a wide                                        nutrients plants and humans
        range of different plants, trees and  Crop rotations                    need  can be  found  on  the
        flowers that complete the beautiful  Crop rotations have proven a most  periodic table of elements.
        picture  that He  saw  and  agreed  crucial way of maintaining healthy  8.     Iron in  humans helps
        that is good.                       soils and crops.  When one type  move oxygen.  Iron  helps  the
                                            of crop, for example,  maize, has  body  make hemoglobin  that
        In our efforts to grow our food, it  been grown on a particular section  moves oxygen and hemoglobin
        should  be obvious  then that we  of land for more than one season  through  the blood.  This is
        need to follow what we see Him  the nutrients necessary for growing  similar to phosphorus  moving
        do in creation very closely so  that maize are depleted from the  energy around the plant.
        that we simulate His laws when  soil.  A different crop, say beans,  9.        Calcium equals strong
        growing our food. If God does not  which requires different nutrients,  bones for humans. Whereas
        plough the soil or burn the brush or  can then be grown there. The land  in  plants,  nitrogen  helps grow
        remove the blanket of leaves and  will rest from maize production and  strong stalks.
        leave the soil bare and exposed  be refreshed with nitrogen from the  10.      Phosphorus helps plants
        to the elements, why do we? Man  beans because beans are nitrogen  with  photosynthesis.  It stores
        has assumed that he knows better  fixing plants. The next time maize  and moves energy around  the
        and has, as a result, continued to  is planted in this section of land,  plant. In humans, about 85% of
        destroy his habitat.                the soil will have restored nutrients  phosphorus in the body can be
        The soil is the most important  necessary  for growing  it. In this  found in bones and teeth. It also
        aspect of growing food and if we  way, crop rotations are good for  helps  the  body  use and  store
        take care of it then we can extract  both the soil and the crops.       energy.
        from it, through the food we grow,
        all the nutrients our bodies need.   Most of the chemical  elements  That  God  made man from  the
        Farming God’s way is based  on  required by the body are all found  dust of the ground is not in doubt.
        three principles by which the fertility  in the earth or within the soil. Here  What we need to do then is look
        of the soil  is maintained.  These  are ten ways soil nutrients are  up and see what our Father does
        are: do not burn; do not plough;  similar to human nutrients:           as the  creator  of  the  universe
        and practice crop rotations.        1. Nutrients for plants mainly  and  thus heal our soil, restoring
                                            come           from the soil.       its nutrients. In this way we shall
        Do not burn                         2.    Nutrients for humans  heal and restore our bodies and
        When you don’t burn the leaves  primarily come from food, often  at the same time, prepare our
        and stalks that remain after  food grown in the soil.                   hearts for the ultimate restoration,
        harvesting is done, these can be  3.  Potassium helps human  the restoration of our spirits back
        incorporated  as mulch to cover  control muscles and the rhythm  to  the original state  which  God
        the soil.  This provides  an ideal  of the heart. In plants, potassium  intended.
        environment for the healing of land  helps plants control  and use
        that  has  previously been abused  water efficiently.                   Nicholas Munyororo
        through  burning,  ploughing  and  4.      In  the context of plant  Farmer
        application of excessive chemical  requirements, carbon, oxygen,
        fertilizers.                        and hydrogen are called the
                                            non-mineral  nutrients.  People
        Do not plough                       need these too.
        Ploughing  the soil is also very  5.       The  full  list  of  essential
        harmful  in that it inverts the soil  nutrients    both      humans
        and exposes the microorganisms  and        plants   need    includes
        that live below surface level to the  manganese,        magnesium,
        sun, thus killing them. At the same  molybdenum,     iron,   copper,
        time the soil microorganisms  carbon,           nitrogen,    oxygen,
        that operate above  the surface  hydrogen,  phosphorus,  sulfur,
        are buried.  This leaves the soil  and chlorine.
        bare of living organisms and it is  6.     Nutrition     labels     &

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