Page 20 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 20


          section in particular, were straight,   Empire between 590 BC until AD   Mali.
          laid out on a grid, and crossed each   350, there are 84 pyramids in this
          other at right angles. A stone gutter,   city alone, many built with their own   25. Kumbi Saleh, the capital of
          over half a metre wide, ran down   miniature temple. In addition, there   Ancient Ghana, flourished from 300
          the centre of every street.        are ruins of a bath house sharing   to 1240 AD. Located in modern day
                                             affinities with those of the Romans.   Mauritania, archaeological excava-
          15. Egyptian mansions were discov-  Its central feature is a large pool   tions have revealed houses, almost
          ered in Kahun – each boasting 70   approached by a flight of steps with   habitable today, for want of renova-
          rooms, divided into four sections   waterspouts decorated with lion   tion and several storeys high. They
          or quarters. There was a master’s   heads.                            had underground rooms, staircases
          quarter, quarters for women and    20. Bling culture has a long and   and connecting halls. Some had nine
          servants, quarters for offices and   interesting history. Gold was used to   rooms. One part of the city alone
          finally, quarters for granaries, each   decorate ancient Sudanese temples.   is estimated to have housed 30,000
          facing a central courtyard. The    One writer reported that: “Recent   people.
          master’s quarters had an open court   excavations at Meroe and Mussaw-
          with a stone water tank for bathing.   warat es-Sufra revealed temples with   26. West Africa had walled towns
          Surrounding this was a colonnade.  walls and statues covered with gold   and cities in the pre-colonial peri-
                                             leaf”.                             od. Winwood Reade, an English
          16 The Labyrinth in the Egyptian                                      historian visited West Africa in the
          city of Hawara with its massive    21. In around 300 BC, the Sudanese   nineteenth century and commented
          layout, multiple courtyards, cham-  invented a writing script that had   that: “There are . . . thousands of
          bers and halls, was the very largest   twenty-three letters of which four   large walled cities resembling those
          building in antiquity. Boasting three   were vowels and there was also a   of Europe in the Middle Ages, or of
          thousand rooms, 1,500 of them      word divider. Hundreds of ancient   ancient Greece.”
          were above ground and the other    texts have survived that were in this
          1,500 were underground.            script. Some are on display in the   27. Lord Lugard, an English official,
          17. Toilets and sewerage systems   British Museum.                    estimated in 1904 that there were
          existed in ancient Egypt. One of                                      170 walled towns still in existence in
          the pharaohs built a city now known   22. In central Nigeria, West Africa’s   the whole of just the Kano province
          as Amarna. An American urban       oldest civilisation flourished be-  of northern Nigeria.
          planner noted that: “Great impor-  tween 1000 BC and 300 BC. Discov-
          tance was attached to cleanliness in   ered in 1928, the ancient culture was   28. Cheques are not quite as new an
          Amarna as in other Egyptian cities.   called the Nok Civilisation, named   invention as we were led to believe.
          Toilets and sewers were in use to   after the village in which the early   In the tenth century, an Arab geog-
          dispose waste. Soap was made for   artefacts were discovered. Two mod-  rapher, Ibn Haukal, visited a fringe
          washing the body. Perfumes and     ern scholars, declare that “[a]fter   region of Ancient Ghana. Writing
          essences were popular against body   calibration, the period of Nok art   in 951 AD, he told of a cheque for
          odour. A solution of natron was    spans from 1000 BC until 300 BC”.   42,000 golden dinars written to a
          used to keep insects from houses .   The site itself is much older going   merchant in the city of Audoghast
          . . Amarna may have been the first   back as early as 4580 or 4290 BC.  by his partner in Sidjilmessa.
          planned ‘garden city’.”
                                             23. West Africans built in stone   29. Ibn Haukal, writing in 951 AD,
          18. Sudan has more pyramids than   by 1100 BC. In the Tichitt-Walata   informs us that the King of Ghana
          any other country on earth – even   region of Mauritania, archaeologists   was “the richest king on the face of
          more than Egypt. There are at least   have found “large stone masonry   the earth” whose pre-eminence was
          223 pyramids in the Sudanese cities   villages” that date back to 1100 BC.   due to the quantity of gold nuggets
          of Al Kurru, Nuri, Gebel Barkal    The villages consisted of roughly   that had been amassed by the him-
          and Meroë. They are generally 20 to   circular compounds connected by   self and by his predecessors.
          30 metres high and steep sided.    “well-defined streets”.
                                                                                30. The Nigerian city of Ile-Ife was
          19. The Sudanese city of Meroë     24. By 250 BC, the foundations     paved in 1000 AD on the orders of
          is rich in surviving monuments.    of West Africa’s oldest cities were   a female ruler with decorations that
          Becoming the capital of the Kushite   established such as Old Djenné in   originated in Ancient America. Nat-

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