Page 16 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 16
Art & Culture
Again, cultural tourism involves ac-
tivities that are carried out in order
to showcase the lifestyle of cultural
and ethnic groups, along with their
history, artifacts, and monuments
that they have created. In addition,
it encourages local communities to
take pride in their culture and also
contributes to strengthening com-
munity identity. Cultural villages
celebrate cultural traditions of
several different people, but also
reproduce traditional dwellings and
offer demonstrations of dances and
other cultural activities.
Notwithstanding the tremendous in-
crease and demand from tourists to
visit those beautiful places, Africa is
still punching below its weight in an
attempt to accommodate the needs
of tourists. Only a few countries
have initiated such kinds of proj-
ects, especially the countries from
Sub-Saharan Africa. This article sets
out to explore some prominent cul-
tural villages, which have set a good
example for other African commu-
nities. The article will also discuss Male dancer at Shakaland
the purposes, roles, and exceptional
attractions of those villages towards
cultural tourism development. of Credo Mutwa. The garden at the Xhosa people, while experiencing
Credo Mutwa Cultural Village was authentic hospitality. A tour of the
First, cultural villages are rich in a personal endeavor on the part of village starts with a welcome dance
sculptures and buildings, which the artist to educate Africans about characterized by drums, traditional
convey important personal, cultural, the folklore and heritage that form dancing, colorful traditional attire,
and political messages, especially the basis of their modern identity. and singing. Guests are exposed to
the evils of the apartheid regime. Visiting the Credo Mutwa Cultural sacred rituals, customs, and Xhosa
For example, The Credo Mutwa Village offers a unique glimpse into heritage, and have the opportunity
Cultural Village has an outdoor the life and creative mind of an to sample traditional dishes and
exhibition that allows visitors to artist that is committed to represent- locally brewed beer. While visiting
peruse Mutwa’s pieces at leisure, and ing South Africa and engendering Khaya La Bantu, guests are invit-
to think about the concepts, mo- love and respect for its peoples and ed to visit the chief’s burial site,
tives, and messages of each piece. cultures. introduced to the mystery of the
The Credo Mutwa Cultural Village Sangomas (traditional healers), and
is one of Soweto’s many gems, Second, Cultural villages preserve are treated to an exciting display of
and a must see for visitors from all hospitality, art, craft, and culture. stick fighting.
over the world who want a taste of For example, Khaya La Bantu Cul-
deep African cultures and beliefs tural Village maintains and preserves Again, Cultural villages welcome
combined with modern ideas. This the Xhosa culture. Guests who visitors to experience their culture
is an outdoor exhibition area that visit the village get a glimpse into and way of life. From the tourists’
is set up in a museum-style, high- the rich customs, art, and craft of point of view, the large number
lighting the works and inspiration
16 | we tell the true afrikan story