Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 14


          nations are losing their inheritances   like “The people that have been laughing   Moses but grace and truth came
          but cannot tell where the rain that is   at your poverty will come back to beg you   through Jesus Christ. Meaning that
          beating them is coming from.       for money.” You won’t believe the   no man has the preserve of grace
                                             amount of “amen” that followed     but Christ.
          Afrika is where she is today large-  the post. So I just wrote and said
          ly because the Afrikan fathers are   “This is not a prayer, this is sorcery.”  What about you?
          asleep and not blessing the land.   How does praying for the downfall   I used the above examples of
          They are mostly busy pursuing jobs,   of someone else become the answer   pastors, not to berate them, but to
          contracts, businesses and whatever   to your own prayer for prosperity?   point out how thin the line between
          else they are pursuing. But if you   That’s not prayer, that is wickedness   making pronouncements and witch-
          take a good look at the way the    and black magic.                   craft is. But the question now is
          world has turned, you will see that                                   this, how many times have you who
          almost all the time, the children of   I spent relatively a large part of   is reading this article plotted in your
          very wealthy men turn into beggars   my life in church and had served   heart for something evil to happen
          after their wealthy fathers are gone.   under several pastors and even   to someone simply because they
          In fact, some even get into bloody   prophets before I was pulled out   disagree with your opinion about
          battles and court cases lasting for   of the church system. So I am not   a thing, or when they refuse to do
          decades for the wealth and property   a stranger to hearing “holy sorcery”   what you think is good for them?
          of their late fathers. Most of them   that men of God make in the name   What should we call that if not
          end up being paupers. Why? True    of prophetic utterances. One of    sorcery. How many times have you
          blessing is not money or material   such pronouncements that really   manipulated a situation to suit your
          wealth passed down from fathers to   pisses me off is when you hear   personal opinion and ideology? Not
          children, but deep spiritual realities   them say something like “If  you leave   forgetting that manipulation and
          that are formed by the good heart   my church, the grace and the anointing   witchcraft are brothers of the same
          of the fathers for their children.   of  this ministry will stop covering you.”   family. There are those who wish
          Many fathers are busy casting spells   There was even one senior pastor   evil things on those who are not
          against the land due to the painful   whom I knew closely who said    vaccinated for Covid-19 just so they
          situations going on, and that is   something very weird that did not   can prove how right they them-
          causing curses on their children.   leave my mind for years. One of   selves were to be vaccinated and
                                             the serving pastors under him left   vice-versa. These are nothing but
          Fathers must cast the seeds of     the ministry and after about a few   evil thoughts and wicked intentions
          blessings in the land and the moth-  months or few years that he and his   that can only called sorcery and
          ers must incubate those blessings   family left, he and his wife got into   magic. The mouth cannot speak
          until they come forth as good trees   some issues and divorced. When   into place what the heart has not
          bearing good fruits. But in the    this senior pastor would respond to   envisaged and sorcery does not be-
          case where fathers are contending   the news of their divorce, he made   gin in the mouth but in the heart.
          with their sons for the proceeds   a statement like “did they think they
          of corruption and the mothers are   would leave the anointing that is    Be a blessing and not a curse
          contending with their daughters    available in this ministry and noth-  This earth and the world in it is
          for the attention of men, then the   ing would happen to them?”       still God’s project and He will  not
          foundation of the whole communi-   I was blown away by such state-    abandon it for anything. So while
          ty is off course, the land unattended   ment. This is nothing but sorcery   we do what we do on our spiritual
          and then curses will begin to cover   and casting of spells. First, no man   and physical journeys on earth, let
          the land like dark clouds.         of God, irrespective of where he   us not forget that God gave the
                                             is coming from, has a personal     earth to us and the dominion over
          Modern day sorcerers               grace of which to boast. Grace still   it is in our hands. Meaning that the
          I saw a Facebook post a short while   remains the preserve of the Christ   blessings or curses we release over
          ago from someone I really don’t    and that’s why scripture says in the   the earth are what we will have as
          know. I am not one to respond      words of the benediction “the grace   our rewards. For every man will
          to posts from people that I don’t   of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love   reap what they sow. Good or bad.
          know, but this time, the post caught   of God, and the fellowship of the   So, be a blessing and let your words
          my attention and I had to make a   Holy Spirit...” and then another one   be seasoned with salt and goodness
          comment. The post was something    which says “The law came through   to create good realities on earth.

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