Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 17

Art & Culture

                                             of the Shangana people.            ground and development of these
      In terms of  heritage and              Some cultural villages act as open-  cultural villages, you will find that

      history, some cultural villages        air museums, which exhibit the art   their presence is highly supported
      were constructed to upkeep             forms and customs practiced by     by individuals and communities that
                                             African communities. For example,
                                                                                intend to preserve their history and
      the potential African history.         the Botshabelo Historical Village   culture. Yet, their presence offers a
      For example, Shakaland                 preserves the historic culture of the   huge impact for African countries.
                                             Ndebele people. The village is lo-
                                                                                It is sad to say there is only little
      Cultural Village, apart from           cated in Middelburg, Mpumalanga,   support from the government in
      offering the best Zulu experi-         this beautiful village was originally a   these projects, and yet each coun-
                                                                                try has a ministry of culture and
                                             Christian mission station. Men and
      ence it also act as a backdrop         women on the site practice vari-   tradition as well as a ministry of
      for the Shaka Zulu movie,              ous traditions and wear traditional   tourism. Cultural villages should

      which is the great attraction          garments passed down from past     be one among the priorities as they
                                                                                promote culture, attracting visitors
                                             generations. The village exhibits the
      to visitors.                           visually rich traditions of the locals.   and can be a marketing place for
                                             Therefore, visitors to this open-air   African commodities related to cul-
                                             museum gain a firsthand experience   ture and tradition. Investing in other
                                             of the beadwork, clothing, and dis-  tourist attractions is an important
          of tourists are so excited to learn   tinctive homesteads of the Ndebele   thing, which the rest of the world is
          their customs, foods, initiation   people.                            also doing. However, what attracts
          ceremonies, weapons, outfits, and                                     visitors is the uniqueness of those
          home construction. With a passion   In terms of heritage and history,   attractions, whereby cultural villag-
          to serve their interests, Shangana   some cultural villages were con-  es stand to be genuine and more
          Cultural Village, which is located 5   structed to maintain African history.   attractive.
          kilometers from Hazy view town     For example, Shakaland Cultural
          in Mpumalanga province offers all   Village, apart from offering the best   Since cultures vary from one ethnic
          the above-mentioned, with a special   Zulu experience, also acted as a   group to the other, this becomes
          experience of Tsonga and Zulu      backdrop for the Shaka Zulu movie,   novel to the visitor, as they experi-
          cultures in South Africa, whereby   which is a great attraction to visitors.   ence varied people’s everyday ways
          their cultural dynamics converge.   Like Shakaland, also Isinamva and   of life. Cultural villages are currently
          At the heart of Shangana Cultural   DumaZulu village offers unforgetta-  one of the most popular tourist
          Village is the picturesque Marula   ble experiences, where guests learn   attractions in Africa, but in spite
          Market where locals make and sell   about the Zulu customs, traditional   of their popularity, the villages also
          their crafts. From this               outfits, ancestors and traditional   face a barrage of criticisms leveled
          market, visitors are                        healers, and the role of   against the manner in which they
          led by trained                                  cattle in both court-  represent culture and identity, as
          guides to the                                      ship and mar-      well as their political economy.
          traditional                                          riage. Visitors   Generally, as we proceed with the
          Shangana                                              enjoy music,    significant role of telling our own
          villages.                                              dances, also   African stories, let it be known to all
          Guests                                                  sample        that it is more important to be in the
          learn                                                    traditional   moment than to count the seconds
          the                                                      foods,       on the clock. The experience and
          cus-                                                     and beer.    people in the present  are more valu-
          toms,                                                    They also    able than appointments in the fu-
          foods,                                                  witness       ture. Focus less on the timetable and
          initia-                                                the making     more on the people you are with,
          tion cer-                                             of baskets,     African cultural villages are rare and
          emonies,                                             beadwork,        really, something that makes Africa
          weapons,                                           shields, and       such an amazing place; and it is well
          outfits, and                                     spears.              worth taking the time to visit Africa.
          home construction                            If you trace the back-   Come one, come all.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 20 | FEBRUARY 2022      17
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