Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 13


                                                                                devastating situations, but many are
                                                                                not aware that these things are not
                                             I cannot stress this               just accidental events, but carefully

                                             too much. It’s either              orchestrated events that are results
                                                                                of words and spells spoken in hid-
                                             you understand it                  den and dark places.

                                             or you do not. The                 Have you wondered yet how it’s
                                                                                possible for the entire nations of
                                             blessings of  fathers              the world to be doing the same
                                                                                thing, as if they all are reading from
                                             don’t just make rich,              the same script? Don’t wonder too
                                                                                much. They all are actually reading

                                             they create pathways               from the same script. Either directly
                                                                                or indirectly. A script written by the
                                             for their children into            hands of those who are steeped in
                                                                                dark magic, and whose intent is to
                                             the future.                        constantly blindfold the world to
                                                                                do their bidding through the spells
                                                                                that they cast over the face of the
                                                                                people. So the entire leadership of
                                                                                the world is so veiled in dark sor-

          Samuel Phillips                    on her forehead saying something I   cery that it wreaked havoc on their
                                                                                people, but they really don’t care.
                                             could not hear from that distance.
         is a writer, graphic designer, photogra-  Both of the men did the exact same   Let the fathers bless their
                                             thing when she greeted them. I am
          pher, songwriter, singer and a lover of    convinced that the words of those   children
       God. As an Afrikan content creator, he   men were not just greetings, or   I cannot stress this too much. It’s
        is passionate about creating a better im-  responses to the greetings of the   either you understand it or you do
                                                                                not. The blessings of fathers over
        age and positive narrative about Afrika   young girl, but blessings that they   their children don’t just make them
                                             pronounced over her as the carrier
                            and Afrikans.    of the next generation.            rich in physical wealth, they create
                                                                                spiritual pathways for their children
                                             The power of  words                into the future. Ancient Afrikans
                                             There is power in spoken words     understand this to be true and by
          community. We had gone to get a                                       wisdom of old, they build altars
          particular government document     and ancient fathers understand this   from where they make pronounce-
          she needed for something she       reality. So it’s no joke when they   ments over their families, the land
          was applying for. While we waited   preserve the rituals through which   and their communities. And for
          within the compound for the office   they use words to create realities in   those who like to see the things
          to open, (we had arrived early)    their communities. That’s because   ancient Afrikans did as fetish,
          something happened that caught my   they understand the power of intent   Abraham the father of faith did the
          attention. There were these Maasai   and spoken words as creators of   same things when he built altars
          security guys that watch the com-  realities. In fact, sorcery, as used   unto God as places of covenants
          pound. I think they had finished   by those who practice witchcraft   and pronouncements.
          their night shift and were fetching   or dark magic is made up of spells
          water from a running tap close by.   framed in words which are directly   When fathers fall asleep
          Then, a young girl who appeared    connected to the intents of the    The property of a strong man can-
          dressed for school walked into the   heart of the person casting the   not be stolen by strangers, except
          compound and went to greet the     spells. Meaning that the power of   he is first bound, or made drunk
          two men. She bent the knee a bit to   spoken words can both be used for   and then his goods will be stolen.
          greet them. I noticed that each time   good or for evil.              And we are seeing this everywhere
          she greeted one of the men, that                                      you turn. Families, communities,
          particular man put his right hand   Our world is going through very

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 20 | FEBRUARY 2022      13
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