Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 12
Fathers’ blessings
make room for their children
atherhood and blessing are or the words of blessing that come The blessings of the fathers em-
two very closely knitted from the mouth of a father are power and embolden the children,
things that must go to- deeper and more weighty than any creating a supernatural protective
Fgether if a family, commu- physical inheritances that they leave hedge over them. We cannot take
nity, or a people are to thrive. You for their children. Fathers’ blessings lightly this reality.
cannot separate these two beauties are not just words of good will
for any reason. In fact, in the Afri- to their children but bridges that Sometime ago, I was with my
kan context and even in the Chris- connect the past to the present and wife in a government office lo-
tian Bible, the blessing of a father, then the future. cated somewhere within a Maasai
12 | we tell the true afrikan story