Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
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          urally, no-one wants to explain how   “would stand comparison with any-  41. On a pilgrimage to Mecca in
          this took place approximately 500   thing which Ancient Egypt, Classical   1324 AD, a Malian ruler, Mansa
          years before the time of Christopher   Greece and Rome, or Renaissance   Musa, brought so much money with
          Columbus!                          Europe had to offer.”              him that his visit resulted in the
                                                                                collapse of gold prices in Egypt and
          31. West Africa had bling culture in   36. In the Malian city of Gao stands   Arabia. It took twelve years for the
          1067 AD. One source mentions that   the Mausoleum of Askia the Great,   economies of the region to nor-
          when the Emperor of Ghana gives    a weird sixteenth century edifice that   malise.
          audience to his people: “he sits in   resembles a step pyramid.
          a pavilion around which stand his                                     42. West African gold mining took
          horses caparisoned in cloth of gold:   37. Thousands of mediaeval tumuli   place on a vast scale. One modern
          behind him stand ten pages holding   have been found across West Africa.   writer said that: “It is estimated that
          shields and gold-mounted swords:   Nearly 7,000 were discovered in    the total amount of gold mined in
          and on his right hand are the sons   north-west Senegal alone spread   West Africa up to 1500 was 3,500
          of the princes of his empire,      over nearly 1,500 sites. They were   tons, worth more than $30 billion in
          splendidly clad and with gold plaited   probably built between 1000 and   today’s market.”
          into their hair . . . The gate of the   1300 AD.
          chamber is guarded by dogs of an                                      43. The old Malian capital of Niani
          excellent breed . . . they wear collars   38. Excavations at the Malian city of   had a 14th century building called
          of gold and silver.”               Gao carried out by Cambridge Uni-  the Hall of Audience. It was an
                                             versity revealed glass windows. One   surmounted by a dome, adorned
          32. Glass windows existed at that   of the finds was entitled: “Frag-  with arabesques of striking colours.
          time. The residence of the Ghana-  ments of alabaster window sur-     The windows of an upper floor
          ian Emperor in 1116 AD was: “A     rounds and a piece of pink window   were plated with wood and framed
          well-built castle, thoroughly forti-  glass, Gao 10th – 14th century.”  in silver; those of a lower floor were
          fied, decorated inside with sculp-  39. In 1999 the BBC produced a    plated with wood, framed in gold.
          tures and pictures, and having glass   television series entitled Millenni-
          windows.”                          um. The programme devoted to the   44. Mali in the 14th century was
                                             fourteenth century opens with the   highly urbanised. Sergio Domian, an
          33. The Grand Mosque in the Mali-  following disclosure: “In the four-  Italian art and architecture schol-
          an city of Djenné, described as “the   teenth century, the century of the   ar, wrote the following about this
          largest adobe [clay] building in the   scythe, natural disasters threatened   period: “Thus was laid the foun-
          world”, was first raised in 1204 AD.   civilisations with extinction. The   dation of an urban civilisation. At
          It was built on a square plan where   Black Death kills more people in   the height of its power, Mali had at
          each side is 56 metres in length.   Europe, Asia and North Africa than   least 400 cities, and the interior of
          It has three large towers on one   any catastrophe has before. Civilisa-  the Niger Delta was very densely
          side, each with projecting wooden   tions which avoid the plague thrive.   populated”.
          buttresses.                        In West Africa the Empire of Mali
                                             becomes the richest in the world.”  45. The Malian city of Timbuktu
          34. One of the great achievements                                     had a 14th century population of
          of the Yoruba was their urban cul-  40. Malian sailors got to America in   115,000 – 5 times larger than me-
          ture. “By the year A.D. 1300,” says a   1311 AD, 181 years before Co-  diaeval London. Mansa Musa, built
          modern scholar, “the Yoruba people   lumbus. An Egyptian scholar, Ibn   the Djinguerebere Mosque in the
          built numerous walled cities sur-  Fadl Al-Umari, published on this   fourteenth century. There was the
          rounded by farms”. The cities were   sometime around 1342. In the tenth   University Mosque in which 25,000
          Owu, Oyo, Ijebu, Ijesa, Ketu, Popo,   chapter of his book, there is an ac-  students studied and the Oratory
          Egba, Sabe, Dassa, Egbado, Igbo-   count of two large maritime voyages   of Sidi Yayia. There were over 150
          mina, the sixteen Ekiti principalities,   ordered by the predecessor of Man-  Koran schools in which 20,000
          Owo and Ondo.                      sa Musa, a king who inherited the   children were instructed. London,
                                             Malian throne in 1312. This mariner   by contrast, had a total 14th century
          35. Yoruba metal art of the me-    king is not named by Al-Umari,     population of 20,000 people.
          diaeval period was of world class.   but modern writers identify him as
          One scholar wrote that Yoruba art   Mansa Abubakari II.               46. National Geographic recently

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