Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 12


        The Mini-Me Syndrome

                    The ignorance, arrogance, and foolishness of men

                      ini-Me. Have you       children, or people’s children, their   mannerisms of  a more powerful or
                      heard of the term? It   ‘Mini-Me’. Tiny me. And this igno-   senior person in order to win favor,
                      originated from the    rant, arrogant and foolish mindset    achieve promotion, etc”
          Mname of a character               wrapped up in this evil term spread   So, when you think about it, basical-
          in the irreverent Austin Powers    its wings across the world. Influenc-  ly, a Mini-Me is an individual with
          movie franchise. Mini-Me was a tiny   ing (or influenced by) the fashion in-  no personality, identity, character,
          look-alike of the film’s main villain,   dustry and other secondary parasitic   destiny or purpose of their own that
          Dr. Evil, a clone made as a gift for   industries like beauty, photography   is separate from another individu-
          him by his minions. It doesn’t speak   and so on, which wanted to capital-  al’s. Or, one who derives or has had
          and is a nasty little character with   ize on the egos of parents who were   imputed upon them their person-
          awful habits and mannerisms. I am   obsessed with trying to recreate   ality, identity, character, destiny or
          not speaking of the now-deceased   themselves in their children.      purpose from or by another person
          actor who played Mini-Me, I’m      According to Mini-  deemed senior or superior in some
          speaking of the character from the   Me is: “                         way. This is both infuriating and
          movie.                             •   a person who resembles a smaller or   demeaning and an insult to the One
          Along the way, someone thought it     younger version of  another person  who made us all unique beings.
          was a good idea to start calling their   •   a person who adopts the opinions or

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