Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 13
in them and to see it fulfilled. Either humbled by the very proposition
from a sense of over-inflated ego or of collaborating with the Creator to
a deflated one… or both. Shameless! bring forth His purposes? Instead,
you spend time trying to limit the
Mankind’s insanity and blindness unlimitable by calling this entirely
have reached a dangerous peak. new person, entity, purpose, destiny
How DARE anyone think that a MINI-ME? Why? Ooh, I shiver in
new entity, a new person, an entirely terror.
new being who has been sent here You yourself may not even have
by the Almighty Creator who is reached the point where you’re
Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Mag- God even belongs to them, let alone living out your purpose in its full-
azine and the host of Msingi Afrika Television. Her deserving being placed under their ness. You may even have walked
hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen,
for the transformation of the people and the continent of feet? Just because God chooses to away from it - and now you want to
Afrika - and the world. send a person in the form of a small subject this never-seen-before reality
child, first of all, doesn’t mean He to your own limited perspectives,
doesn’t have other ways and means unhealed wounds and biases? People
of bringing new people forth – need to tread more carefully in this
And now, as with most trends, no- meaning He chose this option for world o.
body cares to think about the origin a reason. Secondly, it doesn’t mean
and the significance of the meaning that they are meant to be patronized It’s bad enough that our education
of this term and why it should nev- or put anywhere near our feet – let systems are so stifling, boring and
er, never, never be applied to anyone alone under them. Children are mind-numbing. And that they do
anywhere on earth. Ever!
not sent here to be ruled over but not actually bring forth the purposes
to have room created for them to of the people who are subjected to
I recently saw a post where some grow fully into who and what they them. It’s bad enough that govern-
Kenyan, referred to as a socialite are in God’s sight – not ours. We ments are so blind, disconnected
(another term I wonder why Ken- are guardians with a temporary role from God and afraid, that they can-
yans and Afrikans have adopted so in ensuring these ones get to where not conceive any other way of car-
blindly and foolishly) referred to her they need to in life. In fact, when rying out their mandates of repre-
infant child as her ‘mini-me’, with all you think about it critically, you will sentation than to control, subjugate,
pride and boastfulness. There they realize that no child is born behind bully and intimidate the unlimited
were, dressed in virtually identical their parents, they are born ahead. potential in each individual under
outfits, the mother holding her baby Here is what I mean. Just like in their stewardship. But, for parents
while strutting outside some shiny leadership, the younger generation to play an equal role in the futility
building looking like the perfect pic- are not born as followers of the old, that is visited upon the lives of the
ture of modernity that the world has but as those who are coming ahead, answers that God keeps sending
embraced. Actually, come to think those who are bringing in the future, forth from the unseen dimension
of it, they were the perfect mini- the things that were not available into the seen? For parents, grand-
me of the world system – much within the older generation. So you parents and caregivers to collaborate
like others of the same or similar really cannot call for instance Elon with stupidity to try to force these
ilk across Afrika who have adopt- Musk the mini-me of Nicolas Tesla. ones who have come into their
ed this pathway, without thinking cramped cocoons of constraints and
about its genesis. Thereby creating a What makes a person think that they disorder, instead of falling on their
world or realm of stupidity around are even equipped to raise the ones faces before God, their Maker to ask
themselves, their children and their who have been sent with the tools Him what to do? Oh, that is sad and
families. for the future? How can that very shameful.
thought of their having a purpose
So, as with other things in society, greater than what you have seen That’s how we end up with powerful
mankind has taken to forming peo- not put fear into you? God’s divine individuals being bounced around
ple in their own image or likeness plan saw it fit to use you as a vessel on people’s laps and called, “Baba”
of the twisted realities that exist in to carry, birth and interact with the or “Mama” or “Mini-Me” or “Baby”
their minds in order to satisfy some future through the one He sent – because the loftiest place one can
egoistic desire that they harbor with-
first as a child, and you don’t get raise their child is to the position