Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 14


          of their parent or themselves, or   them to come and corrupt them and   wombs, carriers and nurturers of
          the only thing they can see, which is   their pathways with their insanities.  life – spiritual and physical – the
          a child. They impute these limited   Why is it that people cannot just   blindness that the children of this
          already lived out realities onto these   even stop for a moment to think   great continent have taken on
          children through naming, mind-     about their own lives, their own   (yes, it has been a result of choice
          set and perspective. How will this   experiences and to examine them   after choice – not imposition) has
          child’s destiny and purpose ever be   for places and ways in which they   rendered too many useless to God,
          called forth and accurately guided   themselves felt the struggle to   while subservient to the very system
          if the parent of this child is teach-  become something else, but were   that enslaves them. By choosing to
          ing them on the basis of “Baba” or   immediately strangled by the cries   abandon the mandate of seeking the
          “Mama” or “Mini-Me” or “Baby”?     of alarm and fear by those who     Unseen God to guide every step and
          Is this why children are still taught   were raising them? Why is it that   every decision and instead trying
          to sing “Baby Jesus, I love You.”?   they can’t just raise those moments   to live like the America that aban-
          When the book of Revelation clear-  in time back to God and ask Him   doned sanity long ago and is now
          ly described the state of the risen   to help them to heal and to never to   reaping the rewards of its madness
          King in fearsome detail – would you   do this to those He has kindly given   – guess what outcome they too have
          not rather raise your children aware   them temporary guardianship over?   embraced? Ehe!! The very same one
          of His fearsome state, so that they   So that, at least in their lives, the   that the formerly great US of A has
          can more readily identify with Him   failings and futilities that mankind   attained.
          and with their true selves – since as   has subjected himself to would be
          He is, so are we in this earth? Is this   minimized to the greatest extent   Oh, that men would see what is
          why conversations with children are   possible – at worst – and at best,   really happening!!!! That they would
          so inane and kept to the level of   eliminated altogether.            fully understand that the sorrows in
          “oobijoobijoobijoo”? Who said that   Oh, my heart! The thought of how   the world around them are noth-
          because we cannot understand what   many purposes were aborted physi-  ing but consequences of walking
          a child is saying that what they are   cally; just killed off like that.   away from God. Drought, famine,
          saying is the gibberish and nonsense                                  hunger, illness, desolation, war, mur-
          that we feed back to them? They    Hundreds of millions of babies     der, collapsing families and social
          must think us such idiots!         were murdered in the womb while    units… it’s just that they think that
                                             the world cried out for solutions and   somehow these things are meant to
          I am incensed as I write this, be-  help that ended up in laboratories,   happen mysteriously, so they doubt
          cause this is the height of the mind-  vaccines, food production testing   it when the hand of man is used
          less thinking that keeps this world   sites, trash cans, rivers, sewers and   to effect them. But, maintaining
          in bondage, because the carriers   buried underground by people who   order here was given to man – so
          of future realities and destinies are   had no clue what potential they   when man has walked away from
          kept living like rats in the smallness   actually carried. The thought of   his purpose and embraced a corrupt
          of mankind’s limited imaginations   how many destinies were crippled by   and defiled version of that purpose,
          and realities, which are so tightly   parents, governments and education   will things not be twisted and out of
          bound to this world. So much so    systems that were determined to    course?
          that when they arrive, they immedi-  conform their children to society,
          ately become prisoners of stupidity   rather than learning from the future   Mini-Me!!! A villainous character
          and commonplace thinking and       (their children) what God has in   from a filthy and defiling movie
          living. But, worse still, the so-called   store and preparing and helping   that was designed to spread deprav-
          adults somehow believe that they   them to prepare for the future and   ity, using humor and innuendo as
          have a right to conform this already   their role in it. Like Zacharias and   delivery devices, is the label that a
          supernaturally destined individual to   Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph and   mother or father or both choose to
          the graveyard of their blindness and   others throughout the story of God   ascribe to a new life that has entered
          arrogance.                         and man who were charged with the   the earth? Then we wonder why
                                             greatest responsibility of all – bring-  things are so strange and corrupt on
          It would be better if those parents   ing forth God’s purposes on earth   the earth.
          were to keep quiet before their child   as they are in heaven.        Noooo. We can do better than this
          and instead to cry to God every day                                   and time is definitely not waiting for
          to raise that child Himself than for   As for Afrika and Afrikans. The   us..

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