Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 87

Book Review
                                                                                                  Book Review


                                          BY JOHN WILLS NJOROGE

          Father to Son                      dropouts especially at the primary   and well mentored. However, at the
                   his book could not have   school level; Deep involvement     advent of the women’s liberation
                   come at a better time     in vices as an outlet; Men who are   movement in the late 70’s, slowly
                   than this, given the con-  unable to lead their families instead   the boy child became relegated to
          Ttext in which parenting           of resulting to abuse of alcohol and   the back. No one fought for the
          of the boy child is taking place.   narcotics, not to mention the decline   boy, therefore he found an outlet in
                                             of positive male role models.      crime and vice to assert himself or
          The affirmative action towards                                        he became indifferent to his role in
          the girl child was the right move   This book presents a paradigm shift   society.
          to emancipate her, however, this   from the old way of thinking to a
          has led to the sidelining of the boy   new perception. Previously, the boy   As such, the book addresses parents
          child. We only need to glimpse at   benefited immensely from a patriar-  of boys through the various devel-
          society now to acknowledge the     chal society, he was acknowledged   opmental stages from boyhood into
          effects: Poor performance of the   and affirmed and families did every-  manhood. These include the phys-
          boy in school; Increased school    thing to ensure that he was educated   iological and psychosocial aspects

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022        87
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