Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 85
Book Review
Health & Healing
aua and the Garden the Covid-19 lockdown. nation help to save her people and
of Plenty is a chil- teach them some valuable lessons in
dren’s book written The book tells the story of a the process about self-confidence,
Mby Linda Omare, little girl, a child in a family of resilience and gratitude.
co-founder of leading pan-Afrikan many, who chooses to rise to the
content creator, 2nacheki and pub- challenge of helping her village The book is described as being
lished by Kunda Kids, which was overcome a food crisis. Though suitable for children aged 3-8 years
founded in 2020 by Nigerian-Gha- often overlooked, Maua does not old and is beautifully illustrated by
naian husband and wife team, let that faze her and when the time Nigerian artist, Chike Obasi.
Oladele and Louisa Olafuyi, during comes, her creativity and determi- Maua and the Garden of Plenty is a