Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 84
the near foreseeable future.
Personally I believe if you educate
a woman, you educate the whole
nation therefore this rule of law
also applies to this scenario. In the
same vein, more girls should be
motivated to take up STEM subjects
so that the type of entrepreneurship
they will eventually find themselves
involved in will be worthwhile and
fortifying. Truth be told, we need
more women technopreneurs in
this fast changing digitalized world.
The good thing is we are on the
right track since many women are
taking up the challenge and even
making noise in industries such as
looking for the next big opportunity from her previous job. Quite frankly, mining. For all intents and purposes,
before it hits the rest of the popula- job security is a thing of the past. In one must live their life to the fullest
tion what a golden chance they let it this respect, on a drop of a hat you whilst proving what they are made
pass through their fingers. might find yourself unemployed. of. Pressing the same argument,
Henceforth, this might pose as a
Push factors good opportunity to venture into men or women the business world
is big enough for everyone but this
entrepreneurship because some only applies to those who are fierce-
Supplementing your salary blessings come in disguise. Worth ly proactive and risk takers.
Now for other women, they ven- noting is that, all these are kind of
ture into entrepreneurship because situations that one might face unex- Undoubtedly the old adage claims,
they want to supplement their pectedly but ultimately bear satisfy- good things come to those who
salaries. All in all, we are living in ing fruits if you take time to reflect wait but the crux of the matter is
hard times although they do not kill, and involve yourself in solving that “good things comes to those
as a lady on a mission you should people’s problems. who work for them upholding their
have something up your sleeve that creative ideas and innovations so
supplements your salary. Speaking Overally, as women we must not be that they see the light of the day.” A
of which, it is never wise to put victims of gender stereotyping or good example is that of Dr Divine
your eggs in one basket. This is homophily that men tend to exercise Ndhlukula who was named the
why successful entrepreneurs like in the business world. Additionally, Businesswoman of the year award at
Oprah Winfrey keep on diversifying, we do not need to don on suits and the Forbes Woman Africa Awards in
staying true to the serial entrepre- trousers to prove our point that 2019. Without no shadow of doubt,
neurial doctrine. Consequently to what a man can do a woman can do women entrepreneurs can even put
make ends meet, one will do what is twice. Instead, just try your hand at a stance in male dominated sectors
commonly coined “a side hustle” so what you are good at. Sadly enough, and give them a run for their money
as to blanket yourself from eco- why most females shy away from if only they are willing to try their
nomic hardships that have hard hit entrepreneurship is that we do not hand in solving the general masses
our country worse with the global have enough role models to look problems innovatively using smart
pandemic still making us dance to up to. However, this does not mean technology. Yes as women entrepre-
its tune. they are no successful women entre- neurs we can unanimously defy all
preneurs in the world. Interestingly, odds if we take up entrepreneurship
Sacked/fired at your workplace if these women find time to mentor as the way to go in these current
or retrenchment and inspire others through business times.
One might find herself filling the programs and workshops this will
big shoes of being an entrepreneur go a long way in giving young girls
because she would have been sacked the hope that they too can do it in
84 | we tell the true afrikan story