Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 82


                                                                                                        Abigirl Phiri is a Ph.D
                                                                                                          student in commerce,
                                                                                                 free-lance writer, poet, International
                                                                                                Ambassador of  Peace, GBV activist,
                                                                                             social entrepreneur, talent manager and an
                                                                                             international marketer. More of  her work
                                                                                                 can be found on her Facebook Page:
                                                                                                           Words are forever.


                       omen generally face   a woman entrepreneur myself, in    an element of external forces that
                       the predicament of    our 2018 Applied Entrepreneurship   you cannot control for they are out
                       being looked down     Masters class at Chinhoyi University   of your ability whilst the opposite
          Wupon in business                  of Technology we were only two     is true, for pull it’s the call that you
          circles. Gender stereotyping is a   ladies representing the female popu-  can’t shake off your back up until
          bane to not only past and present   lation versus ten males. In fact, this   you succumb to its will. Equally, all
          females but future ladies as well may   little detail didn’t in any way intim-  these forces in a mix come in the
          well be caught up in this conundrum   idate me because entrepreneurship   form of the need for recognition
          if not dealt with. For that reason,   is a doctrine that can be enacted by   that will be burning brightly like
          this misconception needs to be dealt   anyone with the will power and pas-  banked coals, passion, the need to
          away with thorough enlightenment   sion to see their solutions bloom to   have extra cash or supplementing
          that gender does not limit one in ex-  fruition. Indeed, there are a plethora   one’s salary, retrenchments, the
          ploring all avenues especially where   of push and pull factors that enable   death of a breadwinner in the family
          entrepreneurship is concerned. As   one to become a woman entrepre-   etc. Fortunately, either way I am go-
                                             neur. Likewise, with push there is   ing to tackle just a few. Interestingly,

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