Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 78
a hotel room is not occupied today
it represents lost income that cannot
be gained tomorrow. That is the rea-
son why there are strategies that can
help in curbing this characteristic for
example bringing about supply flex-
ibility by the use of part time staff
and operating 24/7 during peak
periods. Accordingly, it is important
to match supply and demand of the
tourism services because by balanc-
ing the two you will never go wrong.
On the contrary, wine can be stored
for an eon only to get better with
time but that only applies to prod-
ucts not services. The truth of the
matter is that as hoteliers you have
to acknowledge the tourism charac-
the same time like free falling from to-par with the tourist requirements teristics in conjunction with service
a helicopter that has taken center making it a difficult process, which quality.
stage. A tourist will then ascertain is delicate and opts for a lot of
the experience looking at their level dedication. To date, tourist expec- Availability
of enjoyment, so this characteristic tations are ever on the rise thus this The tourism product is different
is very imperative as intangibility is cutthroat industry says let the best and as a characteristic availabili-
all about owning the service. That is man win. In contrast, physical goods ty should be capitalized to its full
the reason why sustainable tourism are produced, stored and distribut- extent. Practically, destinations are
through its natural and virtual tours ed through intermediaries before commonly in different locations so
have managed to promote tourism being bought and consumed. The there is need to make them accessi-
as tourists enjoy these ecofriend- crux of the matter is that if you fail ble. Robben Island is one attraction
ly excursions. Dear readers, poor to deliver the product then every- that is isolated but it has managed to
catering in a restaurant will affect thing will go down the drain as each portray availability by water and air
the whole service and you cannot subject of the tour package depends transport bringing about destination
undo the damage which in turn will not only on the service provided but
fuel bad publicity through word of on the tourist satisfaction to a larger
mouth. extent.
Inseparability Perishability
It is not possible to separate the Many tourism players have fallen
tourism product as it is more about prey to this tourism ill, which if
service. Services cannot be sepa- not handled with care will affect
rated from the producer or service the whole chain of events. Perish-
provider, as production and con- ability means consumption cannot
sumption are done simultaneously. be stored for the future. More so,
A tour package is that which com- it is wise to study the ideology of
prises of transport, accommodation yield management which stipulates
and activities. This package cannot all about the carrying capacity of a
be separated but must be designed hotel, motel, lodge and guest houses
in a way that will be appealing and so as to create a balance between
satisfying to the final customer, over and under bookings. A lot of
in this case, the tourist. Car hire businesses have reached the end of
services, hoteliers and scuba diving the rope due to mismanagement of
as part of the package should be up- reservations and ticketing because if
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