Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 75


                                                                                attempt to fight off the discrimina-
                                                                                tory laws that prevailed in Southern

                                                                                7. And before the onslaught of the
                                                                                Europeans, the Khoisan people, i.e.,
                                                                                the bushmen lived in this country.

                                                                                8. The country’s main exports are
                                                                                tobacco, cobalt, flowers, electricity
                                                                                and copper.

          palatable and for which everyone   it too shall pass and the people shall   9. The country is home to a very
          really needs the encouraging word   rejoice.                          vast wildlife. In fact, it is one of the
          that no matter what is going on, it                                   countries where the big 5 can be
          too shall pass.                    Facts about Zambia                 spotted. Its South Luangwa Nation-
                                             1. The massive Victoria Falls at a   al Park is not only large in size but
          This too shall pass                height of 354 feet resides in both   also in the abundance of species it
          Indeed, that which has caused pain   Zambia and Zimbabwe. Its tradi-  is home to, such as 400 species of
          and suffering in Zambia and in     tional name is “Mosi-oa-Tunya”     birds!
          Afrika and for however long it has   meaning “smoke that thunders”
          been, it too shall pass and a new day   which is a direct reference to the   10. It is one of the only 6 countries
          shall emerge.                      appearance of the cascading falls.  in the world to be home to the en-
          I do not mean this in a bad way, sea-                                 dangered wild dogs.
          sons are changing globally, and for   2. Victoria Falls are not only the
          those nations who have undermined   largest single sheet falling waterfall   11. On an average, a woman in
          and taken Afrika and the people    in the world but also one of the   Zambia may bear 5-6 children. But
          of Afrikan descent for granted, the   world’s 7 natural wonders!      they are still regarded as crucial
          time has come where they will fall                                    bread-earners of the family with
          on their knees to ask for help from   3. Lake Kariba is a huge lake cater-  many of them running shops and
          Afrika, and all those pains that Af-  ing to hydropower electricity and   businesses. Go Zambians!
          rikans have felt for centuries will be   fishing and is the world’s largest
          reversed and then shall we proclaim   man made lake!                  12. They still have social custom of
          that, indeed, they have passed. I had                                 dowry called “lobola”. In their case,
          written an article some years back   4. Speaking of things that are mas-  the groom has to pay the dowry to
          in which I explained that the rate   sive, the termite hills in the country   the bride’s price. “Nsalamu” is a
          at which the so-called super power   can actually go as high as a small   practice in which the groom brings
          nations are going in their lofty pride   house!                       plates full of money to the bride’s
          and arrogance, they will destroy                                      place to mark the confirmation.
          themselves with their own weapons   5. Amongst Zambia’s big wonders is   In rural areas, monetary dowry is
          and technology and when they have   also the Zambezi River which is the   replaced with livestock.
          made a mess of their nations, the   longest river flowing into the Indian   (facts copied with slight edits from:
          only place they will look for refuge   Ocean from Africa. At a stretch of
          and safety will be in Afrika and then   1,390,000 sq. km. it is the longest
          Afrikans will be the ones dictat-  east flowing river in the continent   Prayer for Zambia
          ing the rules of engagement. So,   and the 4th longest overall. And   There is nothing that prayer and
          clearly speaking, the things that have   before you think that the river has   good thoughts cannot change. So
          troubled Afrika shall surely pass.   been named after the country, it is   dear Zambian people, we send you
          And because Zambia is the focus    actually the other way around.     our prayers and good thoughts that
          point of reaching out to the whole                                    the very things that have troubled
          of Afrika concerning this message,   6. Prior to its independence in 1964,   you will pass away and your true
          Zambia shall be set free from the   it was actually called Northern   beauty shall emerge. God bless
          wickedness that has plagued her, for   Rhodesia. This prior name was an   Zambia and God bless Afrika.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022        75
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