Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 77

Tourism                                                                                       Tourism


          The Unseen Characteristics of A Global Product

          By Memory Phiri, Zimbabwe.

                       ithout knowledge of   tourism will never be the same with-
                       the characteristics of   out them. Creating a balance among
                       the tourism product   these characteristics, dear readers,   Memory Phiri is a Travel and recreation con-
          Wit might be hard to               will uphold the hospitality industry   sultant who has vast experience in the tourism
          survive in this industry that is gov-  for ages to come.
          erned by services, as the product is                                     industry. She also is a free-lance writer in addi-
          intangible. The ability to distinguish   Intangibility                   tion to being a sustainable activist. You can get
          this product has made tourism a    The tourism product cannot be                   in touch with her on
          very interesting avenue. We have a   touched, smelt or seen but it is
          broad spectra of characteristics but   termed as memorable experienc-
          today I will highlight or rather con-  es in the hospitality circles. Good
          centrate on only five of the charac-  examples are those of restaurants,   etors. Due to the rise in demand of
          teristics. One will never go wrong   the aviation industry and holidays   tourism expectations many opera-
          in the tourism industry if you get   in general. That is, we can only   tors have since moved a notch high
          to appreciate these characteristics.   measure it by the performance or
          Tourism is molded by intangibility,   effort of the tour operators so as a   by introducing more adventurous
          inseparability, perishability, availabil-  product it requires strictness, cour-  packages as a way of customer re-
                                                                                  tention. We now have tours that are
          ity and seasonality, needless to say   tesy and etiquette from its propri-  so invigorating and challenging at

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022       77
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