Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 81


                                             to a standstill. Stating the obvious,   thing of the past looking at Kariba
                                             the destination would have run     and that is what the theory states
                                             its course in terms of attracting   pertaining the decline stage. Most
                                             tourists. Moving on with our chosen   of Kariba’s lodges are lying idle. In
                                             destination, Kariba is now suffer-  fact, some travel agents have since
                                             ing from low levels of water as the   been booted out of business and
                                             area experiences high temperatures.   there is lack of wildlife in Kariba
   Memory Phiri is a Travel and recreation con-  Henceforth, the water levels are   save for crocodile farming. Mass
   sultant who has vast experience in the tourism   said to be decreasing affecting a lot   tourism is the root of the decline
   industry. She also is a free-lance writer in addi-  of water based activities like cruis-  stage as the area will need to prac-
                                                                                tice sustainable tourism in terms of
                                             es, white water rafting and fishing.
   tion to being a sustainable activist. You can get   Kariba hosts a lot of boats that can   visitor management. Dear readers,
             in touch with her on            be rated as five star if they had been   the tourism product life cycle has its
          hotels. Looking at the fact that water   drawbacks thus gearing us for the
                                             safaris was its lifeline, it is reported   inevitable but the decline stage gives
                                             that Kariba is experiencing a differ-  room for improvements as it is a
                                             ent kind of lockdown as adventure   sort of a SWOT analysis. Cutting to
          After exploring an attraction and   tourists are looking at other enticing   the chase, the SWOT highlights the
          finding it worthy to tourism op-   destinations for example the Mtarazi   strengths and weaknesses making
          erations, the cycle goes on to the   falls which is encased in the Eastern   planning easier. The whole point of
          involvement and development stage.   highlands tourism.               this assessment of Kariba is to civic
          Apparently, as tourism operators                                      educate tourism players on how to
          there is need to involve the gov-  Rejuvenation                       avoid unnecessary pitfalls in the
          ernment, the locals and the private   Kariba can be rejuvenated as a desti-  cycle.  That said, don’t give up on
          sector. The government has to give   nation by a lot of itinerary shuffling   our most treasured destinations in
          permits so as to operate legally thus   and redesigning of the tour package   the world no matter what.
          Kariba is the home of a plethora of   that is introducing camping sites,
          lodges that is the  Tamarind lodge   horse riding and weekend bonfires.   Kariba
          where we stayed on our Travel      Ladies and gentlemen allow me to   As one of my favorite destinations
          and Recreation class trip. More so,   say that diversification is the best   in Zimbabwe, l felt that l should pen
          Kariba is well known for the Tiger   route. Rejuvenation is the process   down something about Kariba upon
          fish tournament which never fails   of producing beneficial changes and   hearing the incessant issue of de-
          to get investors onboard as they   it is a must when it comes to the   creasing water levels due to climate
          bring along foreign currency. To be   tourism product. In addition, the   change. Particularly there is need to
          prosaic, this event put Zimbabwe   promotion of township tourism is   revive the Kariba tourism operations
          on the map as the tournament led   vital as it delves deep into the histo-  which, if not handled well, will go
          to participating tourist getting prizes   ry and culture of the locals. Indeed,   down the drain. Going through all
          which they treasure up to now as   increasing travel agents in every city   these stages l discovered that Kariba
          souvenirs. Not only has it financially   will serve its purpose as tourism will   is stuck or rather caught between
          benefited Zimbabwe as a whole but   be expedited in leaps and bounds   the two that is the stagnation stage
          the locals as well since they are into   for these business operations are   which in a way determines wheth-
          tour guiding which is a vital com-  mainly centralized in Harare and   er to simply rejuvenate our ways/
          ponent when talking about tourism.   Bulawayo. When we come to re-    methods or play the blame game
          Also, the locals are into the making   juvenation, tour operators should   and fall into the clutches of the
          of artifacts which is a guilty pleasure   use every weapon in their arsenal   decline stage. Half of my Tourism
          of many if not most of the tourists.  to make the destination look brand   and Hospitality classmates did their
                                             new. Undoubtedly, service marketing   attachment in Kariba and most of
          Consolidation and stagnation       as part of the promotional mix will   them are now working there as of
          After all is said and done through   revive and enrich the tourism prod-  now showing its strength in terms
          the previous stages, the consol-   uct positively.                    of employment. Quite frankly, my
          idation phase merges with the                                         clarion call is as Zimbabweans, we
          stagnation one causing the tourism   Decline                          have the power to resurrect Kariba
          product life cycle to finally come   The Tiger Tournament is now a    and take it to greater heights.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022       81
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