Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 74

       Cover Story



         Samuel Phillips                                                        When you critically look at the
                                                                                story above, you see something

               am pretty sure that for anyone   the phrase does not really point   very beautiful, that is, it takes your
               who has at one time or the    to something negative. Let’s take a   mind to the truth that no condi-
               other heard the phrase “this   look.                             tion or season will last forever.
          I oo shall pass”, most like-                                          Now you may be asking how is this
          ly it was used in the context of a   According to Rabbi Lisa Rubin,   about Zambia as a nation? Well,
          negative event. So, people use the   “King Solomon was trying to humble his   this column of the magazine in
          phrase “this too shall pass” as a   wisest servant, so he asked him to perform   which we write a specific message
          form of encouraging someone        a seemingly impossible task: to find   about a country in Afrika is not just
          going through unwanted stuff, that   something that did not exist. He requested   about that country, but also about a
          even the present issue will pass   a magic ring — one that, if  a sad man   message to Afrika and Afrikans as
          also, as every other events that have   wore it, he would become happy and if    a whole.  But what does it mean for
          happened before.                   a happy man wore it, he would become   Afrika when one prays and says “this
                                             sad.” The story suggests that the servant   too shall pass”?
          Truth be told, when I was given    could not find anything of  such nature.
          this message “this too shall pass”   So, King Solomon decided upon himself  to   I really do not have a knowledge
          for Zambia, I did not really like it.   go to a jeweler and design a ring with the   of what is going on right now in
          I guess the feeling was like there   inscription in Hebrew saying, “Gam ze   Zambia as a nation, but it’s clear
          is something wrong about Zam-      ya’avor,” which means, “This, too, shall   that Afrika and the whole world
          bia that needs to pass. But I think   pass.”                          is going through stuff that is not

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