Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 11

L e ader s hip

          has  been raped  over  and  over   dehumanization,  the  pillaging    enriched by  it?  The questions

          and over again for centuries by    of natural resources, and          are unending.
          the very people she has made       the destruction of families,
          fat with her resources.            communities and people are still   It’s all about the wealth

                                             going on as we speak. Still, the
          Before the falsehood called        international community seems      Without mincing words, Congo
          independence, the Congolese        to be very quiet about it all.     is one of the wealthiest nations
          people  of  what is now known                                         on earth in natural resources.
          as the Democratic Republic of      Our question is, when will the

          Congo were enslaved, beaten,       people of Congo get justice for    Congo is massively blessed with
          butchered, raped, dehumanized,     their ancestors who were killed,   mineral resources. She sits on
          and made weak by the wicked        maimed and dehumanized by          an estimated $24 trillion worth

          rule of imperial Belgium and its   the king of Belgium because        of natural resources, including
          wicked king Leopold II or many     of their natural resources? I am   3.2 trillion cubic feet of natural
          years. Congolese children’s        speaking of no less than ten       gas.
          legs  and  hands  were  cut  off  if   million Congolese killed by the   Congo has oil, diamond,
          their fathers or mothers refused   Belgian authorities under the      coltan, copper, platinum, gold,

          to  work  like  slaves  for  the   rule  of  Leopold  II,  and  all  for   uranium, tin, cobalt, a vast
          enforcers of King Leopold, who     the greed and insatiable quest     forest cover, 106270 square
          claimed  for  himself  Congo  as   for the riches of another nation.  kilometers  of arable land  for

          his personal property.                                                agriculture, wildlife, you name
                                             When will the people of Congo      it. It is the uranium from Congo
          Even after the horrors that        get justice for the killing of their   that was used in the atomic
          Belgium carried out in Congo,      first  prime  minister,  Patrice   bombs dropped on Japan in
          even till the present day,         Lumumba, by  America’s CIA         1945 by the US.  Today, its

          no words of apologies or           and  the  other  high-profile      massive coltan reserves are used
          reparation have been extended      killings that have been going      to make everyday electronic
          to  the  Congolese  people  by     on in Congo? When will Congo       devices like cell phones for the

          Belgium.  But  instead,  in  this   and its resources be free for     global market.
          present  day  of  democracy  and   use  by  the  people  of  Congo?
          the global noise about human       When will they be allowed to       This means that while the
          rights, the killing, the raping,   live in peace, enjoy the fruit of   people of the world and even
          and  the pillaging  continued      their natural resources, and be    in Africa are standing in those

          even by those who say they are
          the creators and protectors of     So Congo makes the world rich but the sad
          democracy and human rights in      reality is that, with all the wealth of Congo,

          the world.                         Congo is considered one of the poorest nations
                                             in the world with 63% of the people living under

          The killings, the rapes, the       the poverty line. The question is, why?

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