Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 12


                                                                                the armed groups with weapons.

                                                                                They never mention the foreign
                                                                                multinationals who use their
                                                                                influence  and  money  to  shape

                                                                                local policies in their favor and
                                                                                who  also  back  the  chaos  and
                                                                                unrest. They never say that the
                                                                                so-called turmoil and unrest are
                                                                                kept in place by external forces

                                                                                who  use  them as a distraction
     Informal mining operations form a large part of DR Congo’s minerals industry. BBC News  for their evil agendas. While the
                                                                                Congolese people are in a state of

          long queues waiting for Apple      just like Africa, is not poor; she   unrest and destabilization, they,
          and the other phone makers to      is just made poor. And that is a   the creators of the mayhem, are

          open their shops to allow their    fact.                              busy  stealing natural resources
          customers to buy their new                                            from Congo and shipping them
          phones and other products,         And not to sound like one is       out of the country.

          millions of Congolese children,    trying to blame others or to
          men and women are also             put  the  responsibility  for  the   The   intentionally   created
          queuing in the cold mines, not to   poverty in Congo on foreigners    internal  conflicts,  the  proxy
          get new phones, but to receive     and foreign agendas only,          wars, the  political instability,
          the peanuts that they are paid     but just like  Africa, Congo is    the stealing of resources, the

          in those mines that could only     deliberately kept poor by those    corruption   among     Africa’s
          make sense in horror movies.       who profit from her poverty or,    puppet  government  officials,
                                             let me say, her wealth.            the greed among individuals,

          So, Congo makes the world                                             both foreign and local, and the
          rich, but the sad reality is that,   Even the media is complicit      inability of  Africans to unite
          with all the wealth of Congo, it                                      to use  Africa’s natural and
          is considered one of the poorest   When Congo is mentioned in         human resources for common
          nations in the world, with 63%     Western media, it’s always         continental      developmental

          of the people living under the     about   local   rebel    groups    goals are all part of what has
          poverty line.  The question is,    fighting  themselves  or  at  war   made Africa poor.
          why?                               with the state or killing their

                                             fellow citizens. They don’t ever   Another fact to consider is this:
          The  answer  to the  question  of   mention the role of the Western   the world sees Congo and Africa
          the so-called poverty of Congo     nations who are funding the        as its farmland or mine for
          is the same answer to the so-      chaos, carrying out training for   natural resources and nothing
          called poverty of Africa. Congo,   the terror groups, and supporting   more. So, when they make
                                                                                global  policies  about  global

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