Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 13


          prosperity,  Africa is always       will listen.                      now.

          viewed as a farm or a mine for                                        A few years ago, we shared a
          that global  prosperity  and not    It’s as simple as that.  We       video on our YouTube channel
          the recipient of the same.          know for a fact that the only     titled:  The Deliberate Under-

                                              reason why the  West cannot       development of  Africa and
          But here is the thing: for a group   play games with a country        What  Africans Must Do  To
          of  different  nations  to  sit  and   like North Korea, even though   Change Things.
          agree that an entire continent      they label its leader a dictator,
          is meant to be its mine or          is because North Korea now        The video gives clear clues

          farmland or dumping site and to     has its own nuclear weapons       about how and why  Africa is
          set their faces to systematically   arsenal. No matter how strong     kept poor.  You can watch the
          oppress, undermine and oppose       you are militarily, you think     video with the thumbnail at the

          that continent and keep them        twice before attempting to        end of this article.
          subjected  to  slavery...  for  their   control or oppress a nation with
          selfish  interests...  That  is  pure   a nuclear arsenal.  This is the   Christmas and the festive
          evil. Having said that, for a       same reason why South Africa’s    season are over, the new year
          people so great in number and       nuclear arsenal was scrapped      has come, and the journey to

          strength, with access to such       when power shifted from White     another December has started.
          abundant resources and rich in      South Africans to Black South     So, as Africans, as we take our
          ideas and wisdom, to remain         Africans. It’s all about power    steps into 2024 with all our

          subject to such an atrocious        play, and we can see it clearly.  plans and New Year resolutions,
          agenda is also evil. The agenda                                       can we also put in place plans
          is no longer welcome. Enough        As Africans, the various events   and resolutions that speak to the
          is enough.                          going on globally can make us     various issues hailing  Africa,
                                              not  see  or  even  pay  attention   especially Congo? Think about

          You  may  be  asking,  what  are    to what is going on in Africa,    it...please do something about
          we Africans going to do to stop     especially in Congo, where        it.
          all foreign agendas and military    people are dying daily from

          incursions in  Africa? It starts    internal conflicts. We must not   As for us, We Stand for Congo;
          with building sound defense         forget our brothers and sisters   We Stand for Africa.
          systems that no foreign agenda      in the DRC. The time to act is
          will want to joke with. You will
          be a servant under their boots

          if you cannot defend yourself
          from nations with great military
          power. Africa needs to use the

          uranium it sells to the world to
          create its defense system. Then
          she can speak, and the world

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      13
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