Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 14


        Inspired By the Article: 11
        Ancient African writing
        systems that demolish the myth
        that black people were illiterate.
        Written by A Moore.
        Originally Published on the
        Atlanta Black Star website.
          Ancient African

          Reading and Writing

          Systems                                    DEBUNKING THE LIES THAT ANCIENT AFRICANS

                                                     WERE ILLITERATE BEFORE THE COMING OF

                        s an African, have   came here?  Or that there were     But here is the thing. There are

                        you ever heard       no reading and writing systems     lots of misconceptions about
                        the statement that   before the arrival of the white    the African people which were
          AAfricans                 were     man to the shores of Africa? I     deliberately created to push
          illiterate  before   Europeans     bet you might have heard that.     the narrative of backward and

        14        |   we tell the true afrikan story
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