Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 52


          test of time or the scrutiny of    Limpopo     Province,    where     Community is southern Africa`s
          scientific definition of objective   Musina-Makhado SEZ will          regional  bloc.  It  is  comprised
          reality. The community of          be built, is one of the most       of 16 member states including
          economic life is the major         beautiful of South  Africa`s 9     some of the world`s largest
          feature within a nation, and       provinces. It is the northern      exporters of raw minerals.
          it is the economy which holds      most province which borders on     Around 70% of the world`s
          together the people living in      Zimbabwe, Mozambique and           cobalt is mined in DRC.  The
          a territory. It is on this basis   Botswana. It is named after the    DRC and Zambia are the 3th
          that the new Africans recognise    Limpopo River.   The province      and 4th largest exporters of raw
          themselves as potentially one      has a wealth of historical and     copper ore, the profits for which
          nation, whose dominion is the      cultural treasures including the   end up in Switzerland.
          entire  African continent” –       Mapungubwe National Park,
          Kwame Nkrumah                      site of the late medieval citadel   THE FORCES AGAINST
                                             of Mapungubwe. The provincial
          Nkrumah also said this:            capital is Polokwane. Sepedi       Plans to build the industrial
                                             is the most widely spoken          zone are going ahead despite
          “It  is  clear  that  we  must  find   language among the population   opposition  from  environmental
          an  African solution to our        of 5 941 439.                      lobby  groups.  These  are based
          problems, and that this can                                           on concerns about pollution and
          only be found in African unity.    Limpopo Province is 125            production of CO2 as well as
          Divided we are weak; united,       755km2 making it roughly           water use. Discourse on green
          Africa could become one of the     the size of Greece which is        energy and Climate Change
          greatest  forces for  good in  the   131 957km2.  The  original       mitigation is largely being
          world.”                            plan for Musina-Makhado is         driven in South Africa through
                                             approximately 60km2.               NGOs funded by the German
          As manufacturing is the basis                                         based  institute  Friedrich  Ebert
          of Musina- Makhado SEZ, it         Limpopo Province is rich in        Stiftung Foundation.   ( please
          will be able to provide not just   many     minerals    including:    review article by PD Lawton
          productive employment but          platinum, iron ore, chromium,      `Why Green Germans Want to
          opportunities for high quality     manganese,           diamonds,     Kill Africans` and `Now  They
          skills in engineering. It will very   antimony, phosphate, copper,    Blame the Energy Minister`)
          importantly provide windows        black    granite,  conundrum,
          to SMMEs (small, micro and         feldspar and coking  coal.         The environmental lobby has
          medium enterprises) within         A  variety  of  fruits  and  nuts   attacked the Musina Makhado
          an entire chain of production,     are grown on a large scale         project from the start.  African
          processing, logistics and sales.   including   macadamia     nuts,    Centre for Citizenship and
          Value addition has a multiplying   bananas, papaya and mangoes.       Democracy (ACCEDE) is a
          effect on the economy because      The agricultural produce from      research group at the University
          more jobs will be created along    the area is of a particularly high   of the  Western Cape. It is
          the value chain for those who      standard.                          sponsored by Friedrich Ebert
          will  be  offering  services  to                                      Stiftung which in turn sponsors
          the core operations within the     SADC                               NGOs such as EarthLife .
                                             The South African Development      Such    organizations   oppose

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