Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 50


                  Musina- Makhado:

                       Economic Integration and Mineral

                                   Beneficiation for SADC

          WHY DO IT?                         through  mineral  beneficiation    on synthetic fertilizer.
          M          usina-    Economic      and mineral resources.  The        This economic hub is vital for
                                             and value addition in agriculture
                                                                                a number of critically important
                     Zone (MMSEZ) is
          a proposed industrial park in      produce processed metals such      reasons. It will serve as a
                                             as steel, petro-chemicals and
                                                                                catalyst for economic growth
          South  Africa, designated with     plastic production (processing     for the entire SADC region
          tax incentives as a special        of oil) as well as OEM`s (original   .Achieving  of  United  Nations
          economic zone (SEZ). It is         equipment       manufacturing)     Sustainable Development Goals
          an initiative of the Limpopo       which is producing component       on poverty reduction cannot
          Province provincial government     parts for other industry sectors.   be achieved without  African
          and  the  flagship  project  of  the   Petro chemicals are needed to   economies manufacturing on
          SADC Industrialization Strategy    produce fertilizers. In 2022,      an industrial scale including in
          in conjunction with  the African   South Africa imported US$1.51      that processing of agricultural
          Union  Agenda 2063.  The aim       billion worth of fertilizer.  The   products and processing of
          is  to  promote industrialization   security of food supply depends   mineral resources which is

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