Page 51 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 51


                                               “Africa is one continent, one people,
                                               and one nation. The notion that in
                                               order to have a nation it is necessary
                                               for there to be a common language,
             PD Lawton                         a common territory and common
    PD Lawton is a writer and researcher of    culture has failed to stand the test

    African affairs , born in KwaZulu Natal,   of time or the scrutiny of scientific
                South Africa.                  definition  of  objective  reality.  The
                  community of economic life is the
            She is the editor of               major feature within a nation, and it
                                               is the economy which holds together
                                               the people living in a territory. It is
                                               on this basis that the new Africans
                                               recognise themselves as potentially
          known as mineral beneficiation.      one nation, whose dominion is the

                                                      entire African continent” –
          The    African    Free    Trade                      Kwame Nkrumah
          Agreement           inaugurated
          in    January     2021,remains
          theoretical without operational    productive employment, to          of transportation before the
          SEZs in every region and           raise  the  standard  of  living   outbreak of Covid was US$
          connected by modernized high       to give opportunity to human       3,200 per truck.  Transport by
          tech integrated infrastructure     creativity within a prosperous     rail will dramatically reduce
          as epitomized by the  African      and peaceful environment.          transport time and cost by 40%.
          Integrated High Speed Railway                                         Each freight train will be able
          Network which has been             Modernized,      high     speed    to transport 10,000 tonnes,
          designed to connect economic       rail   infrastructure  is   the    equivalent to 500 lorry-loads.
          corridors across the  continent     game changer for  trade.  The
          by   high    speed   electrified   qualitative changes it will bring   Ghana`s  first  president  and
                                             are obvious. For example Isaka     Africa`s   greatest   visionary
                                             is a dry inland port in Tanzania   leader, Kwame Nkrumah, once
          Underpinning all of this is        along the highway that connects    said:
          abundant, cheap electricity,       Mombasa in Kenya to Dar Es
          the backbone of any economy.       Salaam via Mwanza. It is a         “Africa  is  one  continent,  one
          Electricity is needed to mine      customs point and cargo holding    people, and one nation. The
          the ore, to produce the steel to   area that serves goods transport   notion that in order to have a
          construct the rail lines, to power   from Rwanda, Burundi and         nation it is necessary for there
          the trains, to can the agricultural   DRC. At present it takes trucks   to be a common language, a
          products, to produce the glass, to   6 to 7 days to get from Dar      common territory and common
          bottle the fruit juice, to provide
                                             Es Salaam to Kigali.  The cost     culture has failed to stand the

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      51
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