Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 63

Food  health
                                                                                                    Food health

          Finger Millet                      couscous with fish or meat.        numerous economies—even

          In parts of East and Central                                          some of the most advanced.
          Africa (not to mention India),     The plant grows well on poor,      Agriculture is usually a
          millions of people have lived      sandy soils. It, too, is rich in   country’s biggest user of

          off finger millet (Eleusine        the amino acid methionine.         water. Thus, for nations that
          coracana) for centuries. One of    It also has a high level of        have never heard of it or that
          the most nutritious of the major   cystine, a feature that is an      perhaps regard it with scorn,
          cereals, it is rich in methionine,   even rarer find in a cereal. With   pearl millet might quickly rise
          an amino acid critically lacking   its appealing taste and high       to become a vital resource.

          in the diets of hundreds of        nutritional value, this could
          millions of the world’s poor.      become a widespread gourmet        Sorghum
                                             grain for savanna regions,         Globally speaking, sorghum is

          The plant yields satisfactorily    perhaps throughout much of         the dietary staple of more than
          on marginal lands, and its tasty   Africa or even much of the         500 million people in more
          grain is remarkable for its        world. It might well have a big    than 30 countries. Only rice,
          long storage life. The fact that   future as a cash crop and export   wheat, maize, and potatoes
          certain Africans thrive on just    commodity.                         surpass it in the quantity

          one meal a day is attributed to                                       eaten. For all that, however,
          the nutritive value and ‘’filling”   Pearl Millet                     it produces merely a fraction
          nature of this grain.              Some 4,000 years ago, pearl        of what it could. Indeed, if the

                                             millet (Pennisetum glaucum)        twentieth century has been
          Fonio (Acha)                       was domesticated from a wild       the century of wheat, rice, and
          An indigenous West African         grass of the southern Sahara.      maize, the twenty-first could
          crop, fonio (comprising two        Today, it is the world’s sixth-    become the century of sorghum
          species, Digitaria exilis and      largest cereal crop, but it has    (Sorghum bicolor).

          Digitaria iburua) is grown         even greater potential than
          mainly on small farms for          most people imagine. Of the        First, sorghum is among
          home consumption. It is            major cereals, pearl millet is     the most photosynthetically

          probably the world’s fastest       the most tolerant of heat and      efficient and quickest maturing
          maturing cereal and is             drought; it has the power to       food plants. Second, it thrives
          particularly important as a        yield reliably in regions too      on many marginal sites where
          safety net for producing when      arid and too hot to consistently   other cereals fail. Third,
          other foods are in short supply    support good yields of other       sorghum is perhaps the world’s

          or market prices are too high      major grains. These happen to      most versatile food crop. Some
          for poor people to afford. But     be the regions that will most      types of its grains are boiled
          fonio is much more than            desperately need help in the       like rice, cracked like oats for

          just a fallback food; it is also   decades ahead.                     porridge, “malted” like barley
          a gourmet grain. People enjoy      Already, water is shaping up as    for beer, baked like wheat
          it as a porridge, in soups, or as   the most limiting resource for    into flatbreads, or popped like

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