Page 64 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 64
Food health
Food health
popcorn for snacks. there is enough), particularly about its potential, but it
with spicy sauces, vegetables, deserves exploratory research
The plant has many uses and stews. and support.
beyond food as well. Perhaps
the most intriguing is its use for Tef is nutritious; the grain is Emmer
fuel. The stems of certain types about 13 percent protein, well- This rare wheat (Triticum
yield large amounts of sugar, balanced in amino acids, and dicoccum) originated in the
almost like sugarcane. Thus, rich in iron. In many ways, it Near East, but it has a very
sorghum is a potential source seems to have ideal qualities ancient African heritage. It
of alcohol fuels for powering for a grain, yet research has reached Ethiopia probably
vehicles or cooking evening been scanty and intermittent, 5,000 years ago or more
meals. Because of the plant’s and so far the crop is all but and, although it virtually
adaptability, it may eventually unknown beyond Ethiopia. In disappeared elsewhere in the
prove a better source of alcohol the last few years, however, world, it comprises almost 7
fuel than sugarcane or maize, commercial production has percent of Ethiopia’s entire
which are the only ones now started in the United States and wheat production. Moreover,
being used. South Africa, and an export far from abandoning it,
trade in tef grain has begun. Ethiopian farmers over the last
Finally, sorghum is a relatively These seem likely harbingers of 40 years have increased
undeveloped crop with a a new, worldwide recognition the percentage of emmer that
truly remarkable array of of this crop. they grow.
grain types, plant types, and The plant is adapted to a wide
adaptability. Most of its genetic Other Cultivated Grains range of environments and
wealth is so far untapped Some of the cereals described should be producible in many
and even unsorted. Indeed, previously are not, strictly parts of the world. The fact that
sorghum probably has more speaking, “lost.” However, it is little changed from wheat
undeveloped genetic potential several African food grains eaten in the times of the Bible
than any other major food crop are indeed truly overlooked by and the Koran could give it
in the world. modern science. special consumer appeal. But
it can stand on its own culinary
Tef Guinea Millet merits. It is one of the
This staple cereal (Eragrostis Perhaps the world’s least- sweetest and best-tasting
tef) is the most esteemed grain known domesticated cereal, cereals.
in Ethiopia. It is ground into guinea millet (Brachiaria
flour and made into pancake- deflexa), is cultivated by Irregular Barley
like fermented bread, injera, farmers only in the Fouta Although barley is also not
that forms the basic diet of Djallon Plateau, a remote native to Africa, it, too, has
millions. Many Ethiopians eat region of Guinea. At present, been used in Ethiopia for
it several times a day (when almost nothing can be said thousands of years. Indeed,
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