Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 25


                                             profound. Below is a short         Let me give you an example

                                             excerpt.                           of [how] bad leadership has
                                                                                destroyed DRC. We had
                                             Msingi: Why is the wealth          Mobutu come into power;
                                             of Congo not reflected in the      he wasn’t elected by the

                                             lives of the Congolese people?     Congolese people. Who we
                                                                                wanted was Lumumba. He

           Samuel Phillips                   Answer: It is not reflecting       was killed and then they

      is a writer, photographer, author of   because they never allowed us      brought Mobutu. He was
                                             to have leaders who can lead.
       several books, and co-publisher of                                       brought by Belgium and
           Msingi Afrika Magazine.           Yes, that’s number one. These      America to suppress the vision
     Email:      international communities do       of Lumumba which he had
                                             not want the well-being of the     developed. So, we had Mobutu

                                             Congolese people. So that is       being used by the American
          And you know what they say,        the problem. If you [put] them     CIA and other multinational
          whatever you hear for a long       [the people of the DRC] in         companies to destroy the
          time, you will begin to believe.   a good situation, they’ll [the     country.”
          And the moment you believe it,     international communities]

          you are captured in the never-     start to look, they will start to   This heartbreaking tale of
          ending spin of that narrative      ask what are you doing there?      what happened in Congo and
          in all its variations, until such   So, maintain them in poverty      what is still going on even
          a time as you look again into      so that they are only crying       right now is mostly the story

          the mirror of the truth of who     for what to feed their stomach.    of the whole of Africa, but at
          you are, change your trajectory    That’s why it is easy for a        different levels. True leaders
          of belief based on the wisdom      Congolese to get refugee status    of the people are either killed
          that you find, and then like a     in every country. So, they         or character assassinated by

          beautiful sunflower at dawn,       allowed us to run anywhere and     foreign powers and then they
          emerge again, a true and           be accepted except to the same     install puppets who constantly
          majestic you.                      DRC and those who stayed           put the people in poverty while

                                             they maintain them subject to      they plunder their country’s
          The Weaponization of               poverty. So, the only thing they   natural resources.
          Poverty in Africa                  want is food and nothing else.
          In an interview we had with                                           However, these narratives
          one of our friends from the        If you go to DRC you will          about a poor Africa are not

          Democratic Republic of             find a contrast. You cannot        the true identity of the African
          Congo (DRC), when asked            believe that there are persons     people. Poverty in Africa is a
          why the wealth of the DRC          in the DRC who are travelling      carefully crafted and global-
          does not reflect in the lives      in private jets and there are      power-backed agenda to keep

          of the Congolese people, he        people who do not even have        Africa as farmland where
          made mention of something          one spoon of porridge to eat.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 25 | MARCH 2024        25
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